ApacheCon Europe 2000 Agenda
This is the full form of the agenda. All session details appear on
this page, which is generated dynamically to provide the most up-to-date
information. To see the details of a particular
session, click on it to jump to them.
To see a briefer and faster display of this information,
go to the
brief display page.
Be aware that the full display page is much slower to display!
Legend |
Intersession break (no food) |
Food break (coffee or meal) |
Keynote or other presentation for all delegates |
Tutorial, panel, or other normal session |
Vendor-sponsored session or briefing |
Expo floor open |
- Note: The Expo Floor closes at 6:00pm on Wednesday.
Agenda Notes/Changes Since Publication
The following list describes any changes to or notes about the conference agenda
since it was printed. Note that the online display already reflects any changes!
- The Zend vendor presentation was canceled; however, Zend is still exhibiting in the Expo.
- M12 ('Using Apache Alexandria for Creative Open Source/Java Code Management') canceled; replaced by 'HTTP and Apache' by Roy Fielding
- M17 ('The Backhand Project: Load-Balancing and Monitoring Apache Web Clusters,' Theo Schlossnagle) moved to W09;
W09 ('Transparent Content Negotiation,' Lars Eilebrecht) moved to M17
- M20 ('High Availability for SSL and Apache,' Mark Cox and Geoff Thorpe) canceled; replaced by 'Adding XML capabilities with Cocoon,' Stefano Mazzocchi
- M06 ('XML and Database Integration'):
speaker changed from Robert Burgess to Alexander Koerner
- M09 ('Using Apache Jetspeed to Build Dynamic, Content Driven Portals'):
speaker changed from Kevin Burton to Santiago Gala
- W01 ('Running a Successful Web Hosting Business'):
speaker changed from Frank DeChellis to Jim Jagielski
- BOFs have been scheduled on Tuesday for SlashCoders, mod_python, and Crypto in the UK. Please see the online agenda for details.
- A BOF on writing filters for Apache 2.0 has been scheduled for Wednesday morning
KN01: Sun and Apache
Day: Tue
Time: 09h00
Room: Auditorium
Duration: 45 minutes
Speaker: George Paolini
- Abstract:
- The elections for the Java Community Process (JCP) Executive
Committees are just around the corner...... come learn more
about the Apache Software Foundation's role in the JCP from
George Paolini, Sun's VP of technology advocacy and community
development. Mr. Paolini will also provide an update on Sun's
involvement with technology projects at Apache, Sun software
and open source, and a roadmap for the Java 2 platform.
KN02: IBM and Open Source - A software agenda
Day: Tue
Time: 11h15
Room: Auditorium
Duration: 45 minutes
Speaker: Kristof Kloeckner
- Abstract:
- Abstract not yet available.
KN03: Living In a Virtual World
Day: Tue
Time: 19h15
Room: Auditorium
Duration: 45 minutes
Speaker: Douglas Adams
- Abstract:
- Adams' personal view of the enormous promise and
achievements of information and digital technology (and some of the
absurdities as well.) He looks at how the Internet and other
breakthroughs are transforming the ways in which we work, live,
think and order pizza, and speculates rashly about what it may
all actually mean.
KN04: Convincing Management to Let You Work on Open Development
Day: Wed
Time: 11h15
Room: Auditorium
Duration: 45 minutes
Speaker: Brian Behlendorf
- Abstract:
- Abstract not yet available.
KN05: Perspectives on the Jakarta Project
Day: Wed
Time: 15h00
Room: Auditorium
Duration: 45 minutes
Speaker: James Davidson
- Abstract:
- What happens when a commercial vendor (Sun, in this case)
does exactly what the Open Source community asks them to do,
and open sources a significant piece of software? This session
will describe the experience of working on the Jakarta
project from inception to the present day, in a unique partnership
between an existing open source project (Apache JServ) and
commercial vendors that have paid developers participating in
the development. Can the two environments combine to create
something special, or are they doomed to disagree and fight?
This issue will be examined from both perspectives: that of
someone coming to it from Sun, and that of someone from the
Apache Jserv project.
Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Sessions
A 'birds-of-a-feather' session is a somewhat impromptu and informal
get-together of people who are interested in a particular topic that
isn't on the conference schedule, or who want to discuss a session topic in
more detail. BOFs are commonly scheduled on-site, and take place in
the session rooms during mealtimes.
BOFs are one hour long, and may be attended by anyone, whether registered
for the conference itself or only for the exhibit floor. Registered
conference delegates can
request BOFs.
BOF31: mod_python
Day: Tue
Time: 16h00
Room: Vendor Theatre
Duration: 60 minutes
Speaker: Gregory Trubetskoy
- Abstract:
- An information introduction and discussion of mod_python, a
module that embeds Python within Apache.
BOF26: SlashCoders
Day: Tue
Time: 13h00
Room: BOF room
Duration: 60 minutes
- Abstract:
- Are you running a SlashCode Web site? Or are you thinking
about it? Come meet others who have implemented SlashDot's
open-source Website engine and talk about your successes and
frustrations! Everyone welcome!
BOF29: UK Crypto Meeting
Day: Tue
Time: 15h00
Room: Vendor Theatre
Duration: 60 minutes
Speaker: Ben Laurie
- Abstract:
- An ad-hoc meeting of people interested or involved in
cryptography in the UK. Should we have regular meetings? If so, how
often? What's going on with crypto in the UK, anyway? Come
find out -- or tell us!
BOF39: Writing Apache 2.0 Filters
Day: Wed
Time: 10h00
Room: Vendor Theatre
Duration: 60 minutes
- Abstract:
- A walk-through of writing an Apache 2.0 filter. What's an
Apache 2.0 filter? Come find out!
BOF42: Apache on VMS
Day: Wed
Time: 12h00
Duration: 60 minutes
- Abstract:
- Compaq have ported Apache to OpenVMS. This BOF would allow a
discussion of experiences with this and possible future
Here are the details about all of the sessions in the programme that
have been finalised. Some sessions may be scheduled but don't appear
here yet because their titles or abstracts are being corrected.
Sessions by Category
Each session may appear in one or more topical categories. Each
of the categories is listed below, and under it all of the
sessions that are in that category.
Note that some sessions may appear in more than one category, such
as one that compares Java servlets to PHP, or discusses using XML
with Java.
M08: A scalable teaching and learning delivery environment built on Apache
Day: Mon
Time: 13h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Wilfredo Sanchez
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache, CaseStudy
Speaker: Lennie Au
- Abstract:
- Web Resources Automated for Teaching (WebRAFT) is a secure
and reliable Web-based delivery system built on Apache to
support online teaching and learning at The University of
Melbourne. This session will discuss the design and rationale on the
integration of Apache and various administrative systems
which enabled Webraft to provide an easy-to-use
'zero-administration' website where academics can focus on content issues.
Student enrollments and co-ordinators access are automatic. It
is freely available to all university subjects. Currently,
there are 710 subjects enabled on WebRAFT, supporting over
16,000 individual students. This surely is a case to demonstrate
to government, educational institutes and businesses that
Apache-centric application on a UNIX system is very scalable,
reliable, useful and *in-expensive*, given you have the right
design and approach. http://webraft.its.unimelb.edu.au/
M19: Advanced PHP: Web Applications - Sessions and Authentication
Day: Mon
Time: 18h30
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Wilfredo Sanchez
Duration: 90 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, E-Commerce, PHP, Security
Speaker: Tobias Ratschiller
- Abstract:
- As Web sites and intranets get larger and more complex,
static HTML files hit their limits. They are hard to maintain and
cannot be used for advanced Web-based applications like
e-commerce systems or XML data processing. PHP is the right tool
for anyone wanting to create highly sophisticated Web
applications. This server-side scripting language is fast, free,
easy to use for novice users and powerful enough for
professional Web developers. To understand the implications of Web
application concepts, you need to differentiate between
applications and single scripts. A script is a utility and as such
doesn't have any context, it doesn't know about other scripts in
your system. An application, however, is designed to perform
more advanced tasks. An application needs to maintain state
and execute transactions. This presentation will show you how
to use PHP's native session management functions and
third-party code to authenticate users to create a complete community
Web site.
T09: Advanced Tomcat Configuration and Performance Tuning
Day: Tue
Time: 15h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, CaseStudy, Java
Speaker: Costin Manolache
- Abstract:
- Tomcat lets you run Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages (tm)
and is integrated with Apache and other Web servers. It is
open source and part of the Jakarta project
<http://jakarta.apache.org>. The talk will cover implementation details
and focus on performance, production use and integration into
existing Web services. It will also show interesting numbers
and case studies.
M04: Apache 2.0
Day: Mon
Time: 12h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Brian Behlendorf
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache
Speaker: Ryan Bloom
- Abstract:
- This talk presents an overview of the next version of
Apache. The presentation will discuss the new MPM models, the new
module structures, and the Apache Portable Run-Time. The goals
of this talk are to familiarize the audience with all of
Apache 2.0, but it will not go into detail for any part of the
server. This presentation will be a good starting point for
any other Apache 2.0 talks during the conference.
M07: Apache 2.0 for Windows
Day: Mon
Time: 13h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Ryan Bloom
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, Performance, Windows
Speaker: Bill Stoddard
- Abstract:
- This presentation will review the improvements that have
gone into Apache 2.0 for Windows with an emphasis on
enhancements to improve performance and scalability. Apache 2.0 for
Windows now uses advanced Winsock2 APIs, including asynchronous
AcceptEx and I/O CompletionPorts to manage network I/O and the
worker thread pool. These improvements, along with a file
handle cache, nearly triples throughput when serving static
M11: Apache in the real world - beating the inhouse bias
Day: Mon
Time: 14h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Business
Categories: Apache, Business, Windows
Speaker: Peter Moulding
- Abstract:
- How can an all-Microsoft IT department justify, utilise and
benefit from Apache? If you are an IT Manager or sign the
cheques, you will save time and money with Apache. Here are the
business and technical cases for using Apache instead of IIS
or other proprietary Web servers.
M05: Apache on Windows
Day: Mon
Time: 12h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Bill Rowe
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Speaker: Rich Bowen
- Abstract:
- What makes Apache under Windows different from the Unix
version, from the perspective of a server administrator? You'll
see some of the differences in the server configuration, CGI,
and various other aspects of the care and feeding of your
Apache server.
M01: Apache projects overview
Day: Mon
Time: 10h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Brian Behlendorf
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache, Java, PHP, Perl, XML
Speaker: Daniel Lopez Ridruejo
- Abstract:
- This session will introduce the different projects under the
ASF umbrella, like Jakarta, XML, and PHP and how everything
fits together. It will cover project goals, functionality
provided, project history and future directions. It will explain
common ways in which these technologies can be used together
to provide powerful Web development frameworks. This is an
opportunity to find out what is cooking in other parts of the
W07: Apache/WinNT: Security, security, wherefore art thou, security?
Day: Wed
Time: 16h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Bill Stoddard
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, Security, Windows
Speaker: William A Rowe Jr
- Abstract:
- The Apache world is full of advice for the Unix admistrator,
while IIS admins have all sorts of security guidance. Where
does the Apache Windows NT administrator turn? This session
presents broad guidelines and step by step examples for
building a secure installation of Apache 2.0 under Windows NT. The
NT security model is contrasted to the Unix model, noting
pitfalls and alternatives. DAV, FrontPage Extensions and
scripting will be highlighted from a security standpoint.
PL02: ApacheCon Europe 2000 Closing Session
Day: Wed
Time: 18h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Ken Coar
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Speaker: Ken Coar
Speaker: Lars Eilebrecht
Speaker: Jim Jagielski
Speaker: Ben Laurie
Speaker: Randy Terbush
- Abstract:
- As the last session of the conference, the closing plenary
gives delegates an opportunity to give feedback to the
planning committee and the Apache Software Foundation. All delegates
are encouraged to attend and speak up!
PL01: ApacheCon Europe 2000 Opening Session
Day: Mon
Time: 09h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Ken Coar
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Panel
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Speaker: Ken Coar
Speaker: Lars Eilebrecht
Speaker: Jim Jagielski
Speaker: Ben Laurie
Speaker: Randy Terbush
- Abstract:
- The opening session of the conference will provide a
'roadmap' for the rest of the convention, and provide a brief
description of the various Apache projects.
M15: AxKit - an XML Delivery Toolkit for Apache
Day: Mon
Time: 15h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Speaker: Matt Sergeant
- Abstract:
- AxKit is a suite of tools for transforming and delivering
XML based web sites using Apache and mod_perl. The toolkit
provides all the basic needs for non-developers to deliver XML
using W3C standardised techniques, and at the same time allows
for developers to extend the available options for content
delivery in every direction. AxKit is also one of the fastest
delivering XML engines, by virtue of its caching architecture.
If you want to transform XML on the server then you want to
see what AxKit has to offer.
T05: Building visually-consistent, multilingual Web sites with Apache and mod_perl
Day: Tue
Time: 14h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Bill Stoddard
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, Business, Perl
Speaker: Javier Rodriguez
- Abstract:
- There's more than one way to create a visually consistent
Web site. In this session we'll explore a framework based in
mod_perl that allows to create themeable Web sites that also
support internationalization, and show off a few tricks to make
easier for webmasters, graphic designers and content
providers to maintain a large Web site using these features with nil
impact in the budget.
W02: C++ and Apache using C++ Server
Day: Wed
Time: 09h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Lars Eilebrecht
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache, Security
Speaker: Christian Gross
- Abstract:
- Are you a C++ developer and wondering how to write Apache
modules? Well, read no further because this session is for you.
The purpose of this session is to introduce C++ Server,
which is a C++ wrapper of the Apache Runtime and Apache modules.
Discussed are the details on the why and hows of C++ server.
Also discussed are advanced concepts such as threading,
multi-processing, security and database connections.
M14: Comanche, a GUI configuration tool for Apache
Day: Mon
Time: 15h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Randy Terbush
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, XML
Speaker: Daniel Lopez Ridruejo
- Abstract:
- Comanche is a powerful cross-platform open-source GUI
solution for configuring the Apache Web server. the presentation
will consist of an overview of the system's architecture and an
explanation of how system administrators can use the system
to perform basic and advanced tasks like analyzing logs,
managing virtual hosts and configuring Apache as a proxy server.
Finally, an introduction to the Comanche module API will be
given, explaining how system administrators can easily extend
Comanche functionality using a XML-based approach
T02: Configuring Apache and mod_perl applications
Day: Tue
Time: 10h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Perl
Speaker: Eric Cholet
- Abstract:
- This session discusses mod_perl features which enable
flexible configuration of the Apache server and mod_perl
applications. Topics include how to automate and customize Apache
configuration; mod_perl directives to configure web applications
from within Apache; writing a custom configuration module that
can be shared by other scripts and modules; and how to
design and implement customized Apache directives written in Perl
for seamless integration of application and Apache
T10: Design Patterns in Web Programming
Day: Tue
Time: 17h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Sascha Schumann
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Categories: PHP
Speaker: Nathan Wallace
- Abstract:
- The concept of Design Patterns is based on the idea that
there are only so many design problems in computer programming.
In this session we will examine the design pattern concept as
applied to Web programming, determining the patterns that
exist and presenting model solutions in PHP. You will learn how
to recognize these common design patterns in your sites
allowing you to easily apply the well known "best"
M02: Developing Dynamic Web Sites with JavaServer Pages
Day: Mon
Time: 10h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: James Davidson
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Java
Speaker: John Zukowski
- Abstract:
- The JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology from Sun Microsystems
offers an easy and powerful way to develop dynamic HTML
content for your web site. In this session we'll introduce you to
JSP, demonstrate the capabilities in the JSP 1.1
specification, and examine tools for developing JSP-enabled web sites. In
addition, we'll provide plenty of real-world examples
demonstrating session management as well as integration with
JavaBeans components to provide 100% Pure Java solutions.
M18: Extending PHP 4
Day: Mon
Time: 17h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Mark Cox
Duration: 90 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Developer
Categories: PHP
Speaker: Sterling Hughes
- Abstract:
- Really knowing a scripting language is more than knowing how
to harness the language, it is also knowing how to extend
the language. In this 1.5 hour session we will go over the
process of extending PHP. We will cover all of the major issues
including adding functions to PHP, managing resources and
adding modules to the PHP build system. By the end of the session
you should feel confident in the knowledge that if your boss
asks you to add functionality that cannot be done with PHP
itself, you can go write the functionality into PHP yourself.
T08: Getting Started with mod_perl
Day: Tue
Time: 15h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Theo Schlossnagel
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, Perl
Speaker: Stas Bekman
- Abstract:
- In this first part of this tutorial we will talk about
porting and developing CGI scripts and modules under mod_perl,
diving deeply into peculiarities of Perl code running under
mod_perl, and possible run-time errors. Afterwards we will see
how mod_perl speeds up applications working with relational
M12: HTTP and Apache
Day: Mon
Time: 14h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Rasmus Lerdorf
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache
Speaker: Roy Fielding
- Abstract:
- This technical session includes a walk-through of how Apache
2.0 processes HTTP requests and responses, as well as the
features and hooks available to advanced programmers wishing to
modify Apache's protocol behavior.
T11: Improving script and handler performance under mod_perl
Day: Tue
Time: 17h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: William A Rowe Jr
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, Performance, Perl
Speaker: Stas Bekman
- Abstract:
- This tutorial will explain performance improvement tips:
persistent DB connections, cached DBI statements, reducing
memory usage by deploying shared memory, module preloading
techniques, avoiding importing of variables and global variables in
general, forking and subprocess overhead, memory leakage
detection and prevention, tuning Apache configuration directives
for best performance by benchmarking the scripts, object
method calls vs. functions, sending compressed HTML, performance
of print calls and buffer flushing.
VS03: Infrastructure for Web Services
Day: Tue
Time: 13h00
Room: Vendor Theatre
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 90 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache, Business, Java, XML
Speaker: Paul Fremantle
Speaker: William Nagy
Speaker: Sanjiva Weerawarana
- Abstract:
- As Web services evolve, a software infrastructure to support
writing, describing, deploying and locating Web services is
needed. In this session, we will discuss SOAP (Simple Object
Access Protocol), WSDL (Web Services Description Language),
UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration) and ADS
(Advertisement and Discovery of Services) and explain how
these specifications work together to form the core
infrastructure for Web services. We will also discuss the Apache SOAP
project, the IBM Web Services Toolkit and the IBM WSDL Toolkit
as implementations which are available today to build Web
services on.
M16: Introduction to PHP
Day: Mon
Time: 17h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Jim Jagielski
Duration: 90 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, PHP
Speaker: Rasmus Lerdorf
- Abstract:
- A whirlwind tour of PHP, past, present and future from the
original creator of the language. Rasmus will walk through the
evolution of PHP from its humble beginnings as a simple CGI
wrapper written in Perl to the current version which is
installed on about 15% of all the Web servers in the world.
M13: Introduction to the Apache Server
Day: Mon
Time: 15h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Wilfredo Sanchez
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache
Speaker: Rich Bowen
- Abstract:
- Learn how to acquire, compile, install, and configure the
Apache Web server. A great place to start if you are completely
new to Apache, and trying to figure out where to start.
W06: Java and XML Parsing Using Standard APIs
Day: Wed
Time: 14h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Jon Stevens
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Categories: Java, XML
Speaker: Edwin Goei
- Abstract:
- This session will introduce XML and show how to write Java
applications to access XML documents using standard parsing
APIs such as SAX, DOM, and JAXP (Java API for XML Parsing). We
will first give a quick introduction to XML including
concepts such as well-formedness and validation. We will then
explore the SAX and DOM APIs along with code samples and example
application scenarios.
W03: Managing your Web site with Cocoon
Day: Wed
Time: 09h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Pier Paolo Fumagalli
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache, Performance, XML
Speaker: Doug Tidwell
- Abstract:
- Learn how you can use the Apache XML Project's Cocoon
(xml.apache.org/cocoon/) to serve complex content to a wide array
of devices. We'll discuss a sample Web site in which Cocoon
ties everything together. Content is created and managed using
XML; retrieved with Cocoon's SQL, XSP, and DSP processors,
and formatted with the Apache XSL processor, Xalan. Our demo
includes a Web site customization sample in which Cocoon finds
the content that appeals to a given user, then transforms the
content based on that user's current device. Best of all,
Cocoon's intelligent caching facility delivers this custom
content with good performance.
T06: Migrating Apache JServ Applications to Tomcat
Day: Tue
Time: 14h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Stefano Mazzocchi
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache, Java
Speaker: Craig McClanahan
- Abstract:
- Porting an Apache JServ application to Tomcat requires an
understanding of the key differences between the two
environments. This session will focus on the changes in the underlying
servlet API specification (from version 2.0 to 2.2), as well
as the differences in the configuration and deployment of
servlet-based applications in the two environments.
W04: mod_perl Version 2.0
Day: Wed
Time: 14h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Sander van Zoest
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, Perl
Speaker: Doug MacEachern
- Abstract:
- This session will provide an overview of what's new in
mod_perl version 2.0-dev and what else is planned for the future.
Learn how mod_perl-2.0 has adjusted to Apache 2.0's threaded
architecture using new features of Perl version 5.6.0 to
provide significant performance and memory-sharing improvements
over 1.xx versions. Apache 2.0 has also introduced a number of
new APIs and module hooks, this session will discuss where
and how mod_perl fits into these new areas of the server.
T01: mod_snake: Flexible Apache modules in Python
Day: Tue
Time: 10h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Greg Stein
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache
Speaker: Jon Travis
- Abstract:
- mod_snake is an Apache 1.3 and 2.0 module which gives Python
developers an easy and powerful way to interface with the
Web server, similar to that of mod_perl. This session will give
a broad introduction to mod_snake, including: Python CGI
acceleration; Python embedding in HTML; Python plugins; content
generation; and protocol extensions.
W05: mod_websh: A Tcl-based Apache module for rapid application development
Day: Wed
Time: 14h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Greg Stein
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache, E-Commerce
Speaker: Simon Hefti
- Abstract:
- Webshell is a rapid development framework for building
powerful and reliable Web applications. It is a standard Tcl
extension and is released as Open Source software. Webshell can be
used both as an Apache module for versions 1.3 and 2.0, and
as a standalone script interpreter for CGI applications. In
addition, Webshell can easily be used for command line and
batch processing tasks. At Netcetera, we have been using it for
years for virtually all our customer projects, which are
typically E-commerce shops or electronic banking applications.
Webshell is extensible and portable, and its comprehensive set
of commands is easily learned. In this presentation we
briefly describe the key features of Webshell, detail it's
architecture, and motivate design decisions. Then we demonstrate a
sample application based on mod_websh. Finally, we discuss
experiences of migrating a module from Apache 1.3 to 2.0. This
includes various aspects of Apache's new multi-processing
modules including thread-safety of modules.
VS06: MyComponents.com: the marketplace for reusable web applications
Day: Wed
Time: 12h00
Room: Vendor Theatre
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Business
Speaker: Jordi Montserrat
- Abstract:
- MyComponents solution focuses on helping WebMediaries (ISPs,
ASPs, B2B Portals or Community enablers) to make their
Internet strategy more effective by offering added value services
to their customers. The solution makes it easier than ever
for end-users to create their own web Portal on a per component
basis, increasing efficiency and productivity. MyComponents
acts as a meta-hub that brokers reusable web applications and
leverages existing WebMediaries architecture, allowing them
to open new revenue streams.
VS05: Oracle and Apache Development Projects
Day: Wed
Time: 16h00
Room: Vendor Theatre
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache, Java, Performance
- Abstract:
- Part 1: Better Management for Large Numbers of
Servlet Engine Processes
- Oracle ships and supports the Apache JServ servlet
runner in its
Oracle9i Application Server. Initial experience with large
deployments suggests some enhancements that can make large
deployments, with
many JVM processes, more manageable. Processes should be
automatically. Ports should be dynamically assigned.
Unresponsive JVM
processes should be killed. Important metrics, like number
of JVM threads,
should be monitored. Oracle invites Apached developers to
an open design
discussion with Oracle developers to explore solutions to
these issues.
- Part 2: Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Enhancements for
- The Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) is a new
performance monitoring package for Apache, JServ, Tomcat,
and applications
that run on these platforms. DMS consists of Apache and
Java modules that
allow performance metrics to be defined on-the-fly and
reported during
runtime. Dynamic definition of metrics allows application
code to be
monitored with the same tools and displays used to monitor
Apache and Java
platform code. The result is a consistent extensible source
of runtime
performance data that gives crucial information during for
diagnosis, support and tuning. DMS collects, organizes and
performance data in consistent, coherent XML documents.
Administrators can
monitor detailed execution activity at runtime without
post-processing of
access logs. In this presentation, we discuss the design
and implementation
of Oracle's DMS, describe its performance instrumentation
APIs, and present
results from performance monitoring studies that have used
VS04: Oracle9i Application Server Overview and Demonstration
Day: Wed
Time: 13h00
Room: Vendor Theatre
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache, Java, Performance, XML
- Abstract:
- The Oracle 9i Application Server combines Apache open source
components with Oracle proprietary components to deliver not
only traditional middleware features like database access,
transactions, caching, and scalability, but also features for
rapid application development, mid-tier SQL, and decision
support. After the presentation and demo, Oracle developers will
be on hand to answer questions and tell how you can get a
free development copy.
T04: PHP from an IT Manager's Perspective
Day: Tue
Time: 14h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Lars Eilebrecht
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Business
Categories: Business, PHP
Speaker: Tobias Ratschiller
- Abstract:
- Considering the vastly growing amount of servers on which
PHP is now running, taking a look at the huge step PHP made
from version 3.0 to version 4.0, and seeing its mature and
up-to-date base, PHP has surely become what it has been aiming at:
A great tool for rapid development of stable and fast Web
applications. If your business relies on Web applications, you
should certainly consider PHP. This session shows how your
business can benefit from the use of PHP, give an overview of
PHP's business-relevant features, and show you what you need
to consider when adopting PHP.
T07: PHP: Hackers Paradise
Day: Tue
Time: 15h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Rasmus Lerdorf
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Developer
Categories: PHP
Speaker: Nathan Wallace
- Abstract:
- This session is designed to help you take PHP programming to
the next level. We'll look at when you should (and how you
can) optimize your PHP code. Some of the more powerful and
complex areas of PHP (e.g., quoted strings and data types) will
be explained with examples of how they can be used to your
advantage. Every language has "gotchas" and common
mistakes to avoid, learn about PHP's subtle traps. Finally,
we'll develop a number of functions and classes to speed up
development and assist in the debugging process.
W01: Running a Successful Web Hosting Company
Day: Wed
Time: 09h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Ryan Bloom
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Business
Categories: Apache, Business, E-Commerce
Speaker: Jim Jagielski
- Abstract:
- This presentation discusses the extensive opportunities for
using Apache as a Web Host. Topics include an overview of
configuring Apache for maximum versatility, tech support,
automated Web Authoring tools, security, potential reseller
programs with developers and marketing initiatives. Attendees will
leave the seminar armed with information to help them become
more successful Web hosts.
T03: Securing Java Application Servers
Day: Tue
Time: 10h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, Java, Security, XML
Speaker: Kirill Bolshakov
- Abstract:
- This session will present a set of concepts to enable
application service providers (ASP) to host untrusted
Java/XML/XSP-based applications. A set of patches for the JServ engine is
presented that includes a custom security manager, as well as
a standalone version of this security manager. It enables
the server administrator to use flexible access control
mechanisms to finely tune access to various parts of the server. It
also enables secure hosting of multiple applications without
mutual trust relationships inside one servlet engine. The
concepts are demonstrated on the example of Cocoon-based
multiuser XSP application server.
M21: Security Solutions with SSL
Day: Mon
Time: 18h30
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Mark Cox
Duration: 90 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Expert
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, E-Commerce, Security
Speaker: Ralf S. Engelschall
- Abstract:
- In this presentation, first today's SSL/TLS possibilities
with an Apache + mod_ssl + OpenSSL server combination are
shortly summarized. Then various selected SSL/TLS-based security
solutions are described in detail, like establishing
HTTP/HTTPS gateways, using per-directory SSL/TLS parameters, doing
per-directory based client authentication, using Server Gated
Cryptography (SGC, aka Global Server IDs), speeding up
processing with high-speed shared memory based SSL/TLS session
caches, fine-tuning client authentication through arbitrarily
complex Boolean expressions (SSLRequire), using Certificate
Revocation Lists (CRLs), etc.
VS01: Sun Technical Briefing
Day: Mon
Time: 13h00
Room: Vendor Theatre
Session chair: None assigned
Duration: 240 minutes
Style: Tutorial
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Business, E-Commerce, Java, XML
- Abstract:
13h00 |
Introduction |
13h05-13h45 |
Architecture for Web Based Applications |
This session will cover a variety of approaches to
organizing the functionality of a web-based application, focusing
on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) model using a combination
of servlets and JSP pages. Examples of available application
frameworks that you can use as a starting point will also be
discussed. |
13h50-14h30 |
Developing and Using Custom Tag Libraries |
This session will explore the custom tag mechanism that
was introduced in JavaServer (tm) Pages (JSP) 1.1. After a
short tutorial on how to write custom tags, this session will
explore interesting examples of custom tags and application
design using those custom tags. We will also explore what is
new in JSP 1.2 with respect to custom tags. |
14h35-15h15 |
Developing Web Application Extensions with Forte for
Java |
This session support within the Forte for Java Internet
Edition for server-side Java extensions for Web
applications, including servlets and JSP custom tag libraries, |
15h15-15h30 |
Break |
15h30-16h10 |
Open Source eCommerce using ebXML and Java |
Learn about the XML API packages available for the Java
Software Platform. Learn how these technologies relate for
building eCommerce applications. Includes an overview of the
implementations of these technologies, including the parser
and ebXML messaging (JAXM), and also details regarding the open
source Apache project implementations. A demonstration of
how these APIs integrate to provide a foundation for B2B &
eCommerce applications will be shown. |
16h15-16h55 |
Java Technology on Linux and FreeBSD |
The FreeBSD project, in cooperation with BSDi, has been
working on a Java(tm) port to the FreeBSD operating system.
With the Java(tm) platform, FreeBSD can now run thousands of
Java technology-based applications. Thissession will give an
overview of the Java initiative within the FreeBSD project,
and also give a brief overview of Java initiatives on other
open source operating systems. Main focus will be given to the
newly released version 1.3 of Java 2 Platform, Standard
Edition (J2SE) for Linux. |
W09: The Backhand Project: load-balancing and monitoring Apache Web clusters
Day: Wed
Time: 16h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Sander van Zoest
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, Performance
Speaker: Theo Schlossnagle
- Abstract:
- This session will begin with a discussion of load-balancing
and request distribution techniques that will lead to an
introduction to designing scalable Web architectures. The
mod_backhand load-balancing module will be presented and a method of
handling log files in a safe and efficient manner on large
clusters using group communication will be introduced. These
new logging facilities will lead to new flexible and extremely
powerful monitoring tools. Topics will include: What a
scalable Web architecture is; Why high availability and load
balancing are different technologies; Tools for high availability
(brief description); Tools for load balancing (main focus);
Tools for handling distributed logging and monitoring. Good
monitoring leads to good performance.
M03: Toward the Semantic Web: a view of XML from outer space
Day: Mon
Time: 10h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Roy Fielding
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: XML
Speaker: Stefano Mazzocchi
- Abstract:
- XML is still much of an overhyped word. Programs
"speak" XML, servers "support" XML, companies
provide XML "services"... but XML, alone, is no different
from ASCII: a standard way to encode digital bits into text.
Would you place "speaks ASCII" or "supports
ASCII" in the feature list of your program? It would be a
joke for many. So, is XML just "marketing hype"?
No. Definitely not. This talk will guide you into the
"XML Model" that some web architects name "the
semantic web". We will understand how namespaces, XML Schema,
RDF, RDF Schema, XLink, XPointer, XBase, XInclude, XForms and
other technolgies come together to form a coherent and
extremely powerful model which shares the XML syntax as common
ground, but creates a colorful multi-dimensional space where new
incredible possibilities are at technological reach today.
M17: Transparent Content Negotiation
Day: Mon
Time: 17h00
Room: Classroom 1
Session chair: Manoj Kasichainula
Duration: 90 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache
Speaker: Lars Eilebrecht
- Abstract:
- In this session, Lars will present the concept of
Transparent and HTTP/1.0 Content Negotiation and how it can be deployed
with Apache's negotiation module. The negotiation protocol
and algorithm will be explained in detail. Furthermore a few
examples will be shown and limitations of content negotiation
and current client implemenations will be discussed.
T12: Turbine: Building Model 2+1 Web Applications
Day: Tue
Time: 17h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Stefano Mazzocchi
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Developer
Categories: Java
Speaker: Jon Stevens
- Abstract:
- Turbine is a Java Servlet based framework that allows Java
developers to quickly build secure Web applications. It
combines a good portion of the tools and utilities that most Web
applications depend on such as database connection pools,
Object Relational Mapping, Localization, Cron-Like Scheduling and
more into a single framework that is usable by a wide range
of Web applications. By combining Turbine with WebMacro (a
template engine), it is possible to build Model 2+1 Web
applications that take full advantage of the Model View Controller
(MVC) methodology. This presentation will focus on building a
sample Web application using Turbine and WebMacro on top of
the Tomcat Servlet Engine and the MySQL database.
M09: Using Apache Jetspeed to build dynamic, content driven Portals
Day: Mon
Time: 13h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache, Java, XML
Speaker: Santiago Gala
- Abstract:
- Jetspeed can be used to build a Web based Portal
application. This session will cover the core API and how to develop
"Portlets" to snap content into Jetspeed, how Jetspeed
uses XML for both content structure and subscription, Rich
Site Summary to handle content publication, and
subscription/publication to alternative devices ("Palm" devices,
Mozilla, GNOME, etc.). Technical issues of Cocoon and Turbine
integration will also be discussed.
W08: WebDAV and Apache
Day: Wed
Time: 16h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Rasmus Lerdorf
Duration: 120 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Apache
Speaker: Greg Stein
- Abstract:
- WebDAV is an exciting new technology for the World Wide Web.
WebDAV stands for Web-Based Distributed Authoring and
Versioning, and provides a way to remotely author and manage your
Web servers (whether you are an author or an administrator).
The WebDAV protocol is specified by RFC 2518 and is now
available as an add-on module for the Apache Web server. This talk
will present an overview of WebDAV, its benefits for users,
and scenarios for effective deployment. The session will then
detail how to set up the mod_dav Apache module, and the
available tools and applications to use with your new
WebDAV-enabled server. In closing, the talk will detail the future
directions of the WebDAV protocol and how they will impact the
Apache Web server.
M10: Writing Apache Modules for 2.0
Day: Mon
Time: 14h00
Room: Auditorium
Session chair: Jim Jagielski
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Novice
Audience: Developer
Categories: Apache
Speaker: Ryan Bloom
- Abstract:
- This presentation will detail how to write Apache modules to
take advantage of the new features of Apache 2.0. This will
be useful for anybody wanting to write new or port existing
modules to 2.0.
M06: XML and Database Integration
Day: Mon
Time: 12h00
Room: Classroom 2
Session chair: James Davidson
Duration: 60 minutes
Style: Presentation
Level: Experienced
Audience: Technical
Categories: Java, XML
Speaker: Robert Burgess
- Abstract:
- Organizations have long relied on enterprise databases to
maintain information relevant to the whole corporate and
business structure. As B2B markets emerge and corporate citizens
adapt to newer client technologies, it is increasingly
important for databases to deliver information in XML format. This
session focuses on the performance of JDBC data sources
delivering XML database results, and discusses using Apache Xerces
(XML) and Xalan (XSL) to integrate with enterprise databases.