ApacheCon Europe 2000 Agenda
This is the short form of the agenda. To see the details of a particular
session, click on it and they will appear in a popup window. To see the
full conference agenda, with all of the abstracts on a single page,
go to the
full display page.
Be aware that the full display page is much slower to display!
There is also a
printable version of this page available.
Legend |
Intersession break (no food) |
Food break (coffee or meal) |
Keynote or other presentation for all delegates |
Tutorial, panel, or other normal session |
Vendor-sponsored session or briefing |
Expo floor open |
- Note: The Expo Floor closes at 6:00pm on Wednesday.
Agenda Notes/Changes Since Publication
The following list describes any changes to or notes about the conference agenda
since it was printed. Note that the online display already reflects any changes!
- The Zend vendor presentation was canceled; however, Zend is still exhibiting in the Expo.
- M12 ('Using Apache Alexandria for Creative Open Source/Java Code Management') canceled; replaced by 'HTTP and Apache' by Roy Fielding
- M17 ('The Backhand Project: Load-Balancing and Monitoring Apache Web Clusters,' Theo Schlossnagle) moved to W09;
W09 ('Transparent Content Negotiation,' Lars Eilebrecht) moved to M17
- M20 ('High Availability for SSL and Apache,' Mark Cox and Geoff Thorpe) canceled; replaced by 'Adding XML capabilities with Cocoon,' Stefano Mazzocchi
- M06 ('XML and Database Integration'):
speaker changed from Robert Burgess to Alexander Koerner
- M09 ('Using Apache Jetspeed to Build Dynamic, Content Driven Portals'):
speaker changed from Kevin Burton to Santiago Gala
- W01 ('Running a Successful Web Hosting Business'):
speaker changed from Frank DeChellis to Jim Jagielski
- BOFs have been scheduled on Tuesday for SlashCoders, mod_python, and Crypto in the UK. Please see the online agenda for details.
- A BOF on writing filters for Apache 2.0 has been scheduled for Wednesday morning