ApacheCon Announcements Mailing List
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concerning the show, you can subscribe to this mailing list.
Just send an email message to the
<announce-subscribe@ApacheCon.Com> address
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You'll receive a reply requesting confirmation of the subscription,
and once you confirm you'll get all the news as it occurs.
Dedicated Email Addresses
The following addresses are available for requesting information
or otherwise communicating with the conference planning committee:
- info@ApacheCon.Com
- If you have any questions about the conference that you cannot
find on the Web site, please email your questions to this address.
- webmaster@ApacheCon.Com
- Use this address to make suggestions or point out problems with
the actual ApacheCon Europe 2000 Web site.
- planners@ApacheCon.Com
- Send email to this address if you have any questions, issues, or
remarks that don't seem appropriate for any of the addresses above.
Your message will reach all members of the planning committee, and
someone should answer you soon.
- cfp@ApacheCon.Com
- Use this address to send in session proposals if you're having
difficulty with the online submission form.
Please be sure to include
- your name (first and last)
- your email address
- the title for the session your're proposing
- whether the session is technically- or business-oriented
- the experience level of the target audience (novice, experienced,
or expert)
- the style of session (panel discussion, tutorial, or normal
'lecture-style' session)
- how long the session will be (90, 120, or 180 minutes)
- an abstract suitable for inclusion in the programme (10 lines
maximum, please)
ApacheCon Europe 2000 Planning Committee
Ken Coar, chair
Ken Coar, Apache Software Foundation and IBM Corporation
Terry Deguili, Camelot Communications
Lars Eilebrecht, Apache Software Foundation and CyberSolutions GmbH
Jim Jagielski, Apache Software Foundation and jaguNET Access Services, LLC
Ben Laurie, Apache Software Foundation and A.L. Digital Ltd.
Stewart Quealy, Camelot Communications
Randy Terbush, Apache Software Foundation and Covalent Technologies, Inc.
Jeffrey Wainhause, Camelot Communications