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Monitoring your Data Center using Apache and Ganglia

As an IT professional or systems administrator, one of the most important aspects of your job is to know and understand at all times what is going on in your data center. What is the health status of your hardware? Are your resources overloaded? What are your hardware utilization trends and how can your resources be better utilized? These are just some of the questions that must be answered in order to be sure that your data center is running smoothly. Fortunately there are ways to anwser these questions which will allow you to stay on top of what is going on. Deploying a pure Open Source solution using Apache as a frontend to the Ganglia monitoring system on the backend, will provide the necessary information to monitor the status of your data center. Through Apache and Ganglia, you will be able to monitor statistics such as CPU utilization, memory consumption, network throughput, disk I/O and much more. Additionally, since the Ganglia monitoring system is built on top of the Apache Portable Runtime libraries, it is able to be deployed on a wide variety of operating systems giving you total data center coverage. The graphical web frontend displays a series of summary or per-machine trending graphs that can be customized over hours, weeks or months. This presentation will provide you with an overview of how Apache and Ganglia can be used to monitor your data center and the various ways in which the solution can be customized or extended to meet your data center needs.

Orientation: Technical
Level: Experienced
Categories: Apache HTTP Server,Performance