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How to Run a Business Around The Apache Software Foundation

The ASF community is quite a strange bunch. Consisting of underage hackers to CXOs of Fortune 100 companies, there's one thing we all protect fiercely: The mythical "Apache Way." How does one run a business around the Apache Way? How do you make money when the license is so truly free (unlike the GPL) and when one misstep results in a head-bashing? How do you convince Angels/VCs that the fact that startup companies haven't made it around ASF projects is not a sign of impending doom? How do you organize the company so that it can balance business needs and the Apache Way? In this talk I discuss some of these issues and how WSO2 deals with them. If you're thinking of starting a company around an ASF project, you can't miss this talk!

Orientation: Business
Level: Experienced
Categories: ASF, Case Study, Community