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WS-* vs. REST: Facts, Myths and Lies

Long live WS-*! WS-* is dead! REST is great! May it rest in peace! Which one is it? WS-* or REST? It turns out that both camps are lying through their teeth about how "easy" it is to build distributed business applications using their favorite technological approach. First of all, there is no easy way to build distributed applications- that's simply a hard problem. WS-* and REST each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Knowing the realities of these different approaches for building distributed systems is critical for being able to make the right choices (and hence sleep restfully in a starry night). In this talk we take apart the WS-* vs. REST debate and clearly separate the facts from the myths from the (damned) lies. The best thing a confused enterprise architect should do is come to this talk and understand what to use when.

Orientation: Technical
Level: Experienced
Categories: Web Services