- Contact:
Tina Greene
+1 323 656 0796
Conference Overview
- 16 November 2003: Tutorials
- 17-19 November 2003: Conference sessions
- Day 1: Apache with focus on XML and Java
- Day 2: All Things Apache
- Day 3: Apache with focus on Perl and PHP
- 17-19 November 2003: Exhibit Hall
Diamond Sponsors
Sun Microsystems
Diamond Sponsor
Since its founding twenty years ago, a singular vision -- The
Network Is The Computer (TM) -- has propelled Sun Microsystems, Inc. to
its position as a leading provider of industrial-strength hardware,
software and services that power the Internet. Sun can be found in
more than 170 countries. Sun invented Java (TM) technology to provide
a networked application and services platform that helps make the
Sun vision a reality. Today, Java is the development language most
used by developers, and the Java platform gives developers the broadest
range of technologies for building cross-platform, compatible web
services, wireless data services and other networked applications.
Java technology is maintained and extended by the Java Community
Process (SM) (JCP (SM)) program, an organization made up of over 700
companies, individuals, and organizations such as The Apache Software
Platinum Sponsors
Java Community Process
Platinum Sponsor
Monday Box Lunch
Vendor Showcase
Tuesday PM Break
Since its introduction in 1998 as the open, inclusive process to
develop and revise Java tm technology specifications, reference
implementations, and technology compatibility kits, the Java Community
Process (JCP) program has fostered the evolution of the Java platform
in cooperation with the international Java developer community. The
JCP has over 700 company and individual participants; more than 200
Java technology specifications are in development in the JCP program
out of which 46% are in final stages. For more information on the
JCP program, please visit http://jcp.org
Additional Sponsors
Apache Week
Media Sponsor
Published weekly on the web and distributed via email to over
10,000 people world-wide, Apache Week is the definitive online resource
for all users of Apache and Apache-based web servers. Apache Week
covers in-depth features and provides simple tutorials and how-to's for
novice and expert users alike.
Breakpoint Books
ApacheCon Bookstore
Founded in 1993 as Business Outreach Books, BreakPoint has been the
single source for book and retail solutions for more than 500
conferences and events around the world. Conference and trade show retail
programs are our only business. With BreakPoint, you get more. More
experience, more expertise, more excitement, and more satisfied
attendees. Our comprehensive retail programs work hard to enhance your
event – before, during and after. BreakPoint Books. An Oasis for the
COMDEX Las Vegas 2003
ApacheCon/COMDEX Expo Exchange
COMDEX invites ApacheCon attendees to attend COMDEX this year, with
a complimentary exhibits pass and a special discount of $100 off
all educational programs available until October 23. At COMDEX Las
Vegas 2003, understand how to leverage the power of Open Source and
Linux from nuts-and-bolts open source techniques to executive-level
strategy sessions regarding the Linux platform. Every vital aspect of
the fastest growing development community in IT will be at COMDEX Las
Vegas 2003. Take control this November 16-20. Register today
Dr. Dobb's Journal
Media Sponsor
Dr. Dobb’s Journal is the premier language and platform independent
monthly magazine for serious developers. Each month we provide
powerful programming insights in topics ranging from advanced algorithms
to database development to computer security over all languages and
platforms, plus evaluations of language implementations and
in-depth articles important to today’s developer. As one Dr. Dobb’s Journal
reader said: “ Dr. Dobb’s Journal is one of those MUST-HAVE
periodicals on your software development bookshelf.” Subscribe today at
International PHP Magazine
Media Sponsor
Published by Software & Support Verlag – Information Power for
IT Experts -- Magazines | Books | Conferences | Online. The
Frankfurt based Software & Support Verlag is publisher of various IT
magazines (Der Entwickler, Java Magazin, dot.net magazin, Linux Enterprise,
PHP Magazin, and XML & Web Services Magazin) as well as of
books for IT professionals and the online portal www.entwickler.com.
Additionally the publishing house organises conferences on professional
IT topics, e.g. the EKON - Developers' Conference, the
Entwicklertage, the JAX - Conference on Java, Apache, XML, and Web Services, the
dot.net Konferenz and the International PHP Conference. For more
information, visit http://www.php-mag.net/
Special Conference T-Shirt
Online Lounge
Vendor Showcase
Tuesday Box Lunch
Novell, Inc. (Nasdaq: NOVL) is a leading provider of information
solutions that deliver secure identity management (Novell Nsure™), Web
application development (Novell exteNd™) and cross-platform
networking services (Novell Nterprise™), all supported by strategic
consulting and professional services (Novell NgageSM). Novell's vision of
one Net - a world without information boundaries - helps customers
realize the value of their information securely and economically. For
more information, call Novell's Customer Response Center at (888)
321-4CRC (4272) or visit http://www.novell.com.
O'Reilly & Associates
Media Sponsor
Focus Day Exhibitor: Apache with Java & XML
O'Reilly & Associates is the premier information source for
leading-edge computer technologies. The company's books, conferences, and
web sites bring to light the knowledge of technology innovators.
O'Reilly books, known for the animals on their covers, occupy a
treasured place on the shelves of the developers building the next
generation of software. O'Reilly conferences and summits bring alpha geeks
and forward-thinking business leaders together to shape the
revolutionary ideas that spark new industries. From the Internet to XML, open
source, .NET, Java, and web services, O'Reilly puts technologies on
the map.
Media Sponsor
OSDN, www.osdn.com, is the most dynamic community-driven technology
media network on the Web. Technologists, directors, developers and
system administrators turn to OSDN sites on a daily basis to create,
debate, and make or break IT news. OSDN delivers the resources,
tools, technologies and techniques to help enterprise-level technology
drivers and influencers meet their goals. OSDN network sites include
Slashdot.org, sourceforge.net, linux.com, NewsForge.com,
freshmeat.net, DevChannel.com, and the newest site, ITManagersJournal.com.
Sam's Publishing
Sams Publishing has a long-standing history of supplying technical
information to technical minds. With roots stretching back to 1946,
Sams Publishing is responsible for producing leading technology
books with such best-selling titles as Red Hat Linux 7 Unleashed, PHP
and MySQL Web Development and Sams Teach Yourself Perl in 21 Days. Its
eyes focused squarely on the technology marketplace, Sams is
dedicated to bringing the open source community the resources needed to
learn the lates technologies. From introductory tutorials to
comprehensive reference books, Sams Publishing is focused on teaching
tomorrow's programmers, developers, and systems administrators the skills
they need to build and maintain leading-edge technology. Sams
Publishing series include Sams Teach Yourself, Unleashed, Developer's
Library, Primer Plus and Maximum Security.
Projected Participation
500+ Attendees, speakers, guests, and press
Important Dates
- 10% Early Bird Discount: ends 1 September 2003
- Deadline for conference program ads: 3 October 2003 (sponsor must ensure all
artwork be camera ready with full payment by due date)
- Deadline for logo and company description program: 17 October 2003
- Expo Set Up: 07:00-19:00 16 November;
06:00-8:00 17-19 November 2003;
evening setup by special request
- Expo Hours: 08:00-20:00 17 November;
08:00-18:00 18-19 November 2003
- Welcome Reception: 18:00-20:00 17 November 2003
- Tear Down: 16:00-21:00 19 November 2003
Payment Information
Full payment in U.S. funds must be received by
17 October 2003 in order to secure your space
as a sponsor or exhibitor. Exhibitors will
receive their display area assignments upon
receipt of full payment. We will refund 50%
of the total sponsor or exhibit fee for
cancellations received in writing by 17:00ET
on 17 October 2003. After that date, no refunds
will be made.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Premier Sponsorship
- Diamond -- SOLD
- Platinum -- Just One Spot Remains!
- Double exhibit space at Expo Hall entry
(2-4 draped tables, depending on Hall configuration).
Electricity provided; hardwired connectivity and/or
telecommunication requirements at additional charge
- Company logo and listing in conference guide
- Company logo featured on attendee bag (logo
placement opportunity shared with Diamond sponsor)
- Company logo and 100-word description prominently
displayed on conference marketing materials and Web
- Sponsorship of coffee and refreshment breaks
for one day of conference
- Opportunity to distribute materials during
sponsored coffee/refreshment break
- Use of press room for one private press event
(on a first-come, first-served basis)
- Prominent logo placement and link on conference
home page
- Featured banner placement in high traffic area
(sponsor supplies banner)
- Half-page ad in conference program
- 8 VIP passes (excluding tutorials) with all
conference materials
- 45-minute Vendor Showcase speaking opportunity
(on a first-come, first-served basis)
- First option for Platinum Sponsorship in 2004
- Gold -- Two Spots Available
- Double exhibit space at Expo Hall entry
(2-3 draped tables, depending on Hall
configuration). Electricity provided;
hardwired connectivity and/or
telecommunication requirements at additional
- Company listing in conference guide
- Company logo and 75-word description
prominently displayed on conference marketing
materials and Web site
- Sponsorship of one coffee or refreshment
- Opportunity to distribute materials during
sponsored coffee/refreshment break
- Use of press room for one private press
event (on a first-come, first-served basis)
- Prominent logo placement and link on
conference home page
- Featured banner placement in high traffic
area (sponsor supplies banner)
- Quarter-page ad in conference program
- 5 VIP passes (excluding tutorials) with
all conference materials
- 45-minute Vendor Showcase speaking
opportunity (on a first-come, first-served
- First option for Gold Sponsorship in 2004
- Focus Day
- Single exhibit space at Expo Hall on sponsored
Focus Day (will be combined if sponsoring more
than one day). Electricity provided;
hardwired connectivity and/or telecommunication
requirements at additional charge.
- One 45-minute keynote Vendor Showcase speaking
- Listing and logo placement in conference guide
- Company logo and 75-word description prominently
displayed on conference marketing materials and
Web site
- Prominent logo placement and link on conference
home page
- Featured banner placement in high traffic area
(sponsor supplies banner)
- Half-page ad in conference program
- More than 500,000 online marketing impressions
- Opportunity to distribute materials during
Vendor Showcase presentation
- 5 VIP passes (excluding tutorials) with all
conference materials
- Attendee bag insert (single item of
sponsor’s choice)
- First option for Exclusive Focus Day
Sponsorship in 2004
- Vendor Showcase -- Only Three Remain!
- One 45-minute Vendor Showcase speaking
- Listing and logo placement in conference
- Company logo and 50-word description
displayed on conference marketing materials
and Web site
- Featured banner placement in high traffic
area (sponsor supplies banner)
- Quarter-page ad in conference program
- More than 500,000 online marketing impressions
- Opportunity to distribute materials during
Vendor Showcase presentation
- 2 VIP passes (excluding tutorials) with
all conference materials
- First option for Focus Day Sponsorship in 2004
- Meal Functions and Refreshments
- Keynote Box Lunch -- Only Two Remain!
- Sponsorship of one Keynote box lunch for
up to 500 delegates
- Listing in conference guide
- Company logo and 50-word description
displayed on conference marketing materials
and Web site
- Featured placard placement in Keynote area
- Full Day Refreshment Breaks
- Full coffee, tea, juice, soft drinks and
pastry or snack service twice daily for up
to 500 delegates
- Listing in conference guide
- Company logo and 50-word description
displayed on conference marketing materials
and Web site
- Featured placard placement in break area
- Press/Speaker Room
- Refreshment service on Days 1-3 for
up to 150 speakers and press
- Listing in conference guide
- Company logo and 50-word description
displayed on conference marketing materials
and Web site
- Featured placard placement in press/speaker
- Connectivity and Computing
- Online Lounge
- 24-hour access hub of daily conference
networking activity
- Provides light refreshments and comfortable
seating to all conference delegates
- Delegates will have access to wireless
network, Ethernet cable access, desktop machines
- Listing and logo placement in conference guide
- Company logo and 75-word description displayed
on conference marketing materials and Web site
- Prominent logo placement and link on conference
home page
- Featured banner placement in high traffic area
(sponsor supplies banner)
- Opportunity to distribute materials during Vendor
Showcase presentation
- 5 VIP passes (excluding tutorials) with all
conference materials
- Internet Connectivity
- Includes the license to provide high-speed
connections for all delegates during Apache
Software Foundation pre-conference events,
tutorials and all three days of conference
(15-19 November 2003)
- Sponsor provides all equipment and system
setup in Expo Hall and Online Lounge including
12-20 desktop systems
- Sponsor may showcase its own systems
- Listing in conference guide
- Company logo and 50-word description displayed
on conference marketing materials and Web site
- Attendee bag insert (single item of sponsor’s
- Wireless Access -- SOLD
- Advertising, Licensed Promotion, and Signage
- Official Conference T-Shirts
- Includes production and distribution of official
ApacheCon 2003 T-shirt
- Prominently features sponsor and ApacheCon logos
on high-quality pre-shrunk T-shirts
- Distributed to all attendees, speakers, sponsors,
press, and guests
- Listing in conference guide
- Company logo and 50-word description displayed
on conference marketing materials and Web site
- Official Conference Mugs
- Includes production and distribution official
conference drinkware
- Features sponsor and ApacheCon logos on classic
12 oz. ironstone mugs
- Distributed to all attendees, speakers, sponsors,
press, and guests
- Listing in conference guide
- Company logo and 50-word description displayed
on conference marketing materials and Web site
- Attendee Bag Insert
- Single item to be included in attendee bags
(note: collateral is limited to two pages)
- Distributed to all attendees, speakers, sponsors,
press, and guests
- Company logo and 50-word description displayed on
conference marketing materials and Web site
- Conference-At-A-Glance Signage with Quick-Guide
- Includes one large placard per day highlighting
conference events
- Complete pocket-sized conference summary distributed
to all attendees, speakers, sponsors, press, and
- Sponsor featured prominently on placards and
- Company logo and 50-word description displayed on
conference marketing materials and Web site
- Lanyards -- SOLD
- Notepads -- SOLD
- Pens
- Includes license to distribute pens inscribed
with sponsor’s logo
- Sponsor supplies materials for placement by
- Company logo and 50-word description displayed on
conference marketing materials and Web site
- Conference Program Ads
- Full-page ad $1,200
- Half-page ad $850
- Quarter-page ad $500