ApacheCon Session
CLOSED Building composite applications with SCA and Apache Tuscany

Co-presenters: Mario Antollini antollinim@yahoo.com.ar, Tuscany contributor Anthony Elder ant.elder@gmail.com, Tuscany committer Even though implementing SOA services may be straightforward, deploying an SOA infrastructure is not. The Service Component Architecture (SCA) is a new standard that simplifies SOA programming, describing a model for building applications and systems relying on a Service-Oriented Architecture. The Apache Tuscany incubator project provides an SCA based platform to simplify the implementation of distributed composite applications in various programming languages such as Java, C++, scripting languages or BPEL, integrated with other Apache projects like Geronimo and Axis2. This session will explore how to use SCA and Tuscany to build composite service applications. Coding examples and how to implement and assemble SCA components will be shown. Tuscany will be used to build, deploy and run an SCA application on top of Apache Geronimo, communicate with Web Services via Tuscany Axis2 integration, and integrate Web2.0 clients using JSON-RPC. We will also present how to embed and reuse parts of Tuscany to provide support for the SCA programming model, and how to extend Tuscany with additional SCA component types, programming languages, or SCA bindings and communication protocols. The session will assume experience with Java and Web Services but no previous experience with SCA or Apache Tuscany.