ApacheCon Session
Hacking Atom with Apache Abdera

Over the past few years the use of Atom feeds has spread through the internet at a dizzying rate. Now that the Atom Publishing Protocol is about to be finalized it has become clear that a wide variety of web based systems are making use of Atom technology to interoperate. When adding Atom functionality to your program it is only reasonable to want to make use of the existing technology that's available in your environment, and for Java developers one of the most promising libraries for both client and server side Atom is Apache Abdera. This presentation will introduce the basics of the Abdera libraries. You'll learn to use Abdera to parse Atom documents, talk to remote Atom Publishing Protocol endpoints, implement an Atom Publishing Protocol front end to your existing Java application and even how to extend Abdera to provide custom support for your own Atom extension elements. Time permitting we'll dive into more advanced subjects like Abdera's support for digitally signing and encrypting Atom documents.
Orientation: Technical
Level: Experienced
Categories: Java,New Technologies,Web Services