ApacheCon Europe 2005 Special Events
Here is a list of the special features, events, and activities available
at the conference:
Networking Welcome Reception
Wednesday, July 20th, 18:30, expo area
The Welcome Reception is a great place to renew old acquaintances and meet new friends!
Join conference attendees, speakers, and exhibitors for a fun-filled evening of great food and drink. This popular event features plenty of hors d'oeuvres and refreshments.
Keynote Presentation - Dr. Horst Zuse
Wednesday, July 20th, 9:30
Dr. Horst Zuse, the son of the famous Konrad Zuse will present about
The Origins of the Computer.
In his keynote he will present the achievements of Charles Babbage, George Stibitz,
Vincent Atanasoff, Howard Aiken, and of course the achievements of Konrad Zuse
(1910-1995) who is known as the inventor of the first working, freely programmable
machine using Boolean logic and with binary floating point numbers.
Keynote Presentation - Danese Cooper
Thursday, July 21th, 11:30
Danese Cooper speaks internationally on Open Source and Licensing and recently joined Intel to advise on open source projects, investment and support. In her presentation about
Open Source in the Developing World she will share insights gained during more than six years of global travel around teaching and advocating for Open Source.
Keynote Presentation - Jan Wildeboer
Friday, July 22th, 11:30
Jan Wildeboer is a member of the FFII and involved heavily in the lobbying efforts against software patents in europe. In his presentation he will provide an overview of the current of
Software Patents in Europe and describe where we are heading.
ApacheCon Lightning Lottery Talks & Reception
Thursday, July 21st, 18:30
The Lightning Talks provide everyone with the opportunity to talk about a technical topic of their choice. Each presenter will be given exactly five minutes for their presentation. If you would like to participate you can submit your talk proposal at the beginning of the event, so make sure you show up on time.
Free as in Free Beer: Beer and a selection of soft drinks will be served at the lightning talks event. Bird-of-a-Feather Sessions
Wednesday, July 20th, 20:30-22:30
Thursday, July 21st, 20:30-22:30
Lead or attend a Bird-of-a-Feather session (BoF). Meet with other Apache users and developers. The BoFs at ApacheCon are very informal gatherings of persons interested in a particular topic. The final schedule will be made available at the conference.
Don't miss these special activities designed to maximize the value of your time at the conference.
You may use the ApacheCon Wiki
to request a BoF session. Special Features
Wi-Fi Network
ApacheCon provides a free Wi-Fi network to all conference attendees. The network covers all presentation rooms and the expo area.
The SSID for the network is ApacheCon and IP addresses will be assigned via DHCP. Please note, that public IP addresses will be used, so make sure that you are running a firewall on your laptop.
ApacheCon Blog
ApacheCon Europe will be a hotbed of blogging. Don’t have your own blog? Then blog with us!
All you need to do is Register a username, and you can post blog entries right here with the rest of the conference attendees. Please note, that first posts will be moderated, so they may not show up immediately.
Already have a blog? Then send us your trackback/pingbacks so we can see what you’re blogging about ApacheCon Europe.
ApacheCon Wiki
Looking for information about Stuttgart, day trips, or ApacheCon attendee’s favorite restaurants and bars, then check out the ApacheCon Wiki. Have any interesting information to share? Just add it to the Wiki. ApacheCon IRC Channels
Before, during, and after the conference, you are encouraged to join the #apachecon channel on IRC. An IRC bot called "faqtoid" is available for you to answer questions about ApacheCon sessions, e.g., you can search for sessions about XML by saying "faqtoid sessions about xml" on the channel. Use "faqtoid help" for further information.
In addition, there are dedicated channels for each session track. These are named #actrack1, #actrack2, #actrack3, and #actrack4. So for example if you are attending a session in room "Karlsruhe" then you may join other attendees of that session on IRC channel #actrack3. Freenode is the official IRC network of ApacheCon.