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ApacheCon is a week of open source goodness straight from the source of the Apache Software Foundation, featuring 15 intense training classes over two days followed by three days of more than 50 sessions by the creators of open source software such as the Apache webserver, Tomcat, Lucene, Wicket and more.


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Questions about the program? Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please contact the event planners if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!

ApacheCon Session

Open Source Collaboration Tools are Good For You!

Looking at how successful Open Source project teams work, one sees the importance of using the right collaboration tools in the right way. How does this translate to your in-house teams? Based on the distributed collaboration model used by the ASF projects, we have defined requirements for a set of collaboration tools, ranked according to their effect on the team's efficiency. Based on this analysis, we propose a migration path, for teams that need to move from an "ask around the office" development model to the efficient "distributed self service information" model used by the ASF and other Open Source organizations. Embracing the ASF way, in small steps if needed, might make a big difference in your programming teams efficiency, and in the quality of their work. Our analyis will help you estimate the effort and expected benefits of such a move.