ApacheCon Session
Everything Tomcat! Brought to you by Filip Hanik and Covalent - Day 1

The fastest way for you to learn everything you need to know about Apache Tomcat. If you are an administrator, developer, release engineer, or perhaps a bit of all these, then this Covalent Certified training is for you. Whether you are an expert or a beginner, you are guaranteed to learn something new in this class. The curriculum spans from basic Tomcat configuration to advanced tuning of both Tomcat and the JVM. We'll go over several different deployment methodologies, with and without Web server connectors, load balanced or not, and how to maximize the performance of Tomcat in your infrastructure. You'll learn how to troubleshoot Tomcat, how to classify different types of error messages, and how to correctly reconfigure your server based on the actual error. Towards the end of the training we will take a deep dive into the core of Tomcat, learning both architecture and code, and how to write your own Tomcat components.