Derby Contest Rules and Information
Derby Contest Information and Rules
The contest is to take place ON-SITE at ApacheCon.
Submissions for the contest will be accepted from Monday
morning until Tuesday evening, after which they will be
evaluated by a panel of judges. The results of the contest
will be announced at the Closing Plenary session on
Wednesday evening, and the prizes will be awarded at
that time. NOTE: You must be present at the Closing
Plenary in order to win any prizes!
Contest Rules
- Must use Derby's functionality and capability
- Must integrate Derby with one or more other Apache
- Innovative solution
- Result can be a tool, mini-application, or any other
demonstration of Derby integration
Submission Rules
Entrants must provide a short description of their entry and
explain how they meet the above criteria. Write-up must be
suitable for posting in the Apache Derby User mailing list.
- Contest entries must be completed and submitted by 6:00
pm Tuesday 11/16.
- Submissions are due (via tarball/zip/laptop/punch
cards) by the deadline
- Entrants will be required to execute/demonstrate the
application Tuesday evening 11/16 in Apollo 1
- All entries are considered individual submissions
- IBM employees and ApacheCon staff are ineligible
- All entries are considered contributions under submitters'
Apache CLA, or as a contribution under the Apache License,
Version 2.
How to Submit
Package your code into a single file (such as a tarball or
a zip file), and prepare your abstract/description. Then
go to the submission page,
browse to your package file, enter your abstract, and
press 'submit'. That's it!
Entries judged on ...
- Exploiting Derby (we think it rocks, show us why)
- Integration with Another ASF Project (nothing stands on
its own)
- Usefulness (this is Apache, after all)
- Cool Factor (this is ApacheCon, after all)
- Elegance (in all its quasi-mystical grandeur)