This talk explain using Apache projects how we put together an open source API Management platform with a firm foundation that include a high performant API gateway and a scalable analytics framework.
Apache Software Foundation is a prime example of technical innovation by volunteers around the world working on their own time. Even though some are paid full time to work on open source projects, largely it's still a volunteer effort. This talk explain using Apache projects how we put together an open source API Management platform with a firm foundation that include a high performant API gateway and a scalable analytics framework.
We used Apache Synapes as the core engine for our API gateway. Having a high performant NIO framework was a perfect fit to have as a gateway that performed message transformations as well as enforcing throttling and security policies. We were able to utilize Apache Amber for enforcing security for the created APIs. Having OAuth enabled allowed us to easily interact with existing OAuth enabled clients as well as integrate user created APIs with existing web applications.
Apache Cassandra is being used as a event store which stores all the events/statistics coming from user created APIs. Then we've used Hadoop as a scalable analytics engine to process all the events stored in Cassandra to come up with used defined KPIs. Users of this framework can use Apache Hive to submit map/reduce jobs which will work on the data stored in Cassandra.
This talk will give details about how Cassandra, Hadoop, Hive, Synapse and Amber plays key roles in a scalable enterprise grade open source API Management platform