Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging technology that is finding fast adoption in Infrastructure-As-A-Service (IAAS) deployments. Apache CloudStack is an IAAS management platform that allows for flexible and scalable network architectures in the datacenter, including SDN. We will discuss the integration and deployment approaches and the advantages of SDN with Apache CloudStack
The emerging field of Software Defined Networking provides an opportunity to simplify and scale the deployment of virtual networking topologies in IAAS clouds. Apache CloudStack incorporates many of the ideas around SDN and allows for flexible integration of various SDN stacks. We will discuss broadly the definition of SDN as it applies to IAAS software, the approaches to SDN and the state of the art in SDN technology in the datacenter. The talk will then discuss the existing and upcoming integrations done by various SDN vendors with Apache CloudStack. Finally we will discuss the approach taken in building a scalable SDN controller bundled with Apache CloudStack.