Apache Qpid Messenger is an ultra simple, lightweight, and multi-lingual messaging API powered by a high performance AMQP protocol implementation. This talk will feature an introduction to basic messenger concepts, on the fly construction of a working messenger example, and conclude with a live integration into the AMQP cloud.
Apache Qpid Messenger is an ultra simple and lightweight messaging API powered by a high performance AMQP protocol implementation. Available in many popular languages (C, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Perl, ...), it is not only the simplest and easiest way to build scalable and robust distributed systems, but it also provides instant integration into the growing world of AMQP 1.0 enabled technology (Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Apollo, SwiftMQ, ServiceBus, Apache Qpid C++, Apache Qpid Java, and many more). This talk will feature an introduction to basic messenger concepts, on the fly construction of a working messenger example, and conclude with a live integration into the AMQP cloud.