"Securing" The Web with SSL
What is SSL?
What's wrong with SSL?
How do I get it right?
How can we all get it righter?
SSL 1.0 ... Netscape, 1994
SSL 2.0 ... Netscape, 1995
SSL 3.0 ... Netscape, 1996 (formally, RFC 6101, 2011)
TLS 1.0 ... RFC 2246, 1999
TLS 1.1 ... RFC 4346, 2006
TLS 1.2 ... RFC 5246, 2008 + RFC 6176, 2011
What is SSL TLS?
What is a Secure Protocol?
Non repudiation
Access Control
- Services built from Mechanisms
- Mechanisms implemented using Algorithms
TLS Threat Model: Protocols, Users, Attacks
TLS Threat Model: Endpoints, Server & Client