The Call for Submissions is closed. Thanks to the many authors who have submitted proposals. We are hoping to publish the schedule by November 26.
ApacheCon, the official conference, trainings, and expo of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), is pleased to open the Call For Submissions for ApacheCon North America, to be held 24 February – 2 March 2013 in Portland, Oregon. The event starts with pre-conference trainings, BarCamp, and hackathon the first two days; followed by the main conference + expo 26-28 February; and closing with post-conference sprints, workshops, and team building events.
We are now looking for talks (of 45 minutes to an hour's duration) and training tutorials (of three or six hours duration) of interest to the Apache community.
This year’s conference theme is “Open Source Community Leadership Drives Enterprise-Grade Innovation”, showcasing the diverse applications and solutions made possible by Apache technologies. Submissions about novel uses of Apache products and how they are helping to shape the future are particularly welcome. We are looking for proposals on technical, business and community matters for audiences at all levels from beginner to expert, with particular focus on those demonstrating real-world experience of solving specific problems.
Developers and users of Apache technologies are invited to share their experiences, ideas, inspirations and knowledge. The following topic areas have been popular over past events and continue to be of particular interest, although specific tracks will not be determined until submissions have closed. Submitters should indicate which of the following groupings applies to talk relevant. Talks which do not fit into any of these categories are also welcomed as long as they are of relevance to the Apache community.
- Apache Daily –-the tools, frameworks, and components used on a daily basis, such as Apache Logging, Apache Maven, Apache Ant, Apache Buildr, Apache Commons, and more
- ApacheEE –-all about Java Enterprise projects at the ASF, including Apache OpenWebBeans, Apache OpenEJB, Apache TomEE, Apache Tomcat, Apache MyFaces, Apache DeltaSpike, Apache BVal, and Apache OpenJPA
- Big Data –-the ASF projects at the forefront of high-volume performance, innovation and analytics, such as Apache Cassandra, Apache Hadoop, Apache HBase, Apache Hive, Apache Kafka, Apache Mahout, Apache Pig, Apache Whirr, Apache ZooKeeper and friends
- Messaging –-Enterprise Messaging & Integration –-common problems, solutions, and best practices with various Apache SOA/infrastructure projects, including ActiveMQ, Camel, Qpid, ServiceMix, Shindig, Synapse, Thrift, Tuscany, and more
- Cloud –-more than a dozen Apache initiatives play a key role in powering today's Cloud, from Apache Libcloud and Deltacloud, to Apache Whirr, Accumulo, and Cloudstack, to Apache Hadoop + friends
- Linked Data –-adopting, linking, and interoperating the Web of Data using the latest in annotating, processing, extracting, reasoning, and semantics with Apache Jena, Apache Any23 (Incubating), Apache Clerezza (Incubating), and Apache Stanbol (Incubating)
- Lucene/Solr and Friends –-the latest in search and analytics with Apache Lucene/Solr, Apache Tika, Apache ManifoldCF and more
- Modular Java –-developing and deploying applications in public and private Cloud environments using Apache Felix, Apache ACE, Apache Karaf, Apache Aries, Apache Sling
- NoSQL Database –-use cases and latest developments in dovetailing Big Data with Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase, Apache CouchDB, Apache Accumulo, and more
- OFBiz –-the ins and outs of Apache OFBiz (Open For Business), the Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning suite of applications that integrate and automate many business processes, including catalogue management, eCommerce, CRM, warehousing, manufacturing, project management, HR functionality, FiCo, and more
- OpenOffice –-the Apache OpenOffice ecosystem, with dedicated hackathons, MeetUps, and evening sessions, as well as use cases, and technical sessions on Writer, Calc, Impress, Math, Base, and Draw
- Web Infrastructure –-the backbone of the Web, including Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, Apache Traffic Server, and more
- Business & Community –-best practices & the business of Open Source, and becoming involved with the ASF, from committing code to incubating new projects to community leadership
Who Should Submit?
First-time speakers are just as welcome as experienced ones, and we will do our best to make sure that speakers get all the help they need to give a great presentation. Submissions will be accepted online at until 11 November; those whose talks have been selected will be notified in time to make requests for Financial Assistance, which is available for those attending the conference through the Apache Travel Assistance Committee. The current deadline for TAC requests is 26 November, 2013.
To Submit a Proposal
First, sign up for a new account or log in to your existing ApacheCon NA account—you may also use the links on the top right of any page of the ApacheCon Website. Once logged in, proceed to your account dashboard and create a speaker profile. When your speaker profile is completed, submit one or more proposals!