Hopefully by now, you've already registered, and you've had a chance to suss out which sessions you're interested in. The Fast Feather Track provides space for the projects that are just too new or fast-moving to fit in to the normal Call For Paper (CFP). So if you've got the skinny on an Apache Incubator project, or the lowdown on the Labs, this is your chance for fifteen minutes of fame!
The Fast Feather Track is all about the technology - so whether you're a novice or a natural at public speaking, there's room for you! Anything new at The Apache Software Foundation belongs here - whether you're ready for showtime and want the world to know, or you're still finding your feet, and just fishing for a few new contributors. What do you get out of it? It's an Opportunity!
If you send in your details soon, we'll do our best to make sure they appear in the program - and we'll be able to make sure that your talk gets printed nicely on the schedule at the conference. You'll also get bragging rights, kudos and karma - and you might even pick up a few new groupie committers.
To submit a proposed talk to the Fast Feather Track, which is running on Thursday Afternoon, please use the submission form at http://bit.ly/aceu12fft.
A number of Community Meetups are being planned for the evenings after the conference. Some of these will feature talks and presentations, others roundtable discussions, while a general social gathering with knowledge sharing is always popular too!
The exact list of meetups is still being decided, but all the meetups will be community driven. If you're interested in seeing a meetup or evening session for your project / project area, check with your PMC and review the wiki page for more info