The Apache Software foundation currently has over 100 Top Level Projects (TLPs), and over 50 Incubating Projects. With such a huge breadth of projects and technologies covered, including so many of the key projects for today's problems, at first glance it can be a little daunting to find the areas of interest. To this end, we've tried to group together clusters of projects and technologies into Tracks covering key areas. Some people will be interested in all of these tracks, for others it will just be one or two, but all are welcome at the conference!
The list of confirmed talks has now been published, or you can browse the conference schedule to see what talks are on when. For more information on what the tracks will be covering, please read on!
Track Listing
- Apache Daily
- ApacheEE
- Big Data
- Camel in Action
- Cloud
- Community
- Encore! (The best bits)
- Linked Data
- Lucene/Solr Ecosystem
- Modular Java Applications
- NoSQL Datastores
- OFBiz
- OpenOffice and the Apache Content Ecosystem
- Web Infrastructure
Apache Daily
Logging, Maven, Ant, Buildr, Commons etc...
There are a number of Tools, Frameworks, Components and everything else, which we use on a daily basis.
This track will help you discover the best practice for using these "daily" items, how to make the most out of them, how to customise and extend them, as well as helping you discover the tools you wished you'd always known about!
ApacheEE (Java Enterprise)
Apache OpenWebBeans, Apache OpenEJB, Apache TomEE, Apache Tomcat, Apache MyFaces, Apache DeltaSpike, Apache BVal, Apache OpenJPA.
All about Java Enterprise projects at The Apache Software Foundation.
We will showcase a whole bunch of incredibly fast and lightweight Java EE component projects developed at the ASF - together they build up a great stack which is not only lightning fast but also scales up to big server farms. No wonder those components are the base for a remarkable amount of PaaS vendors.
Each component will be explained in technically deep 45 minute talks, covering introduction and a deep dive with a short example.
Big Data
Cassandra, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Kafka, Mahout, Pig, Whirr, ZooKeeper and friends
Big Data is exploding across every industry, and Apache projects are at the forefront of taming this beast. From Cassandra to store your live data, to Hadoop to analyze it, to Kafka to direct it, to Mahout to learn from it, an understanding of these distributed systems is becoming increasingly key to modern, scalable application design.
This track also has strong links with the Cloud, Lucene/Solr Ecosystem and NoSQL tracks.
Camel in Action
Common problems, solutions and best practices
Apache Camel
All things Apache Camel, from their problems to their solutions.
libcloud, jclouds, deltacloud, Hadoop + Friends, Whirr, Accumulo, Cloudstack
Cloud computing projects are generating lots of buzz, and we'll have plenty of cloud-related, and cloud-consuming projects in attendance. Everything from running Apache $foo in the cloud to building and operating clouds with Apache $foo.
- Have you ever wanted to know what does it mean to be a committer in an open source project, how it works, what it needs to be one ?
- Have you ever had an idea and wanted to bring it as a new project to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) ? Maybe you heard about Apache Incubator ? What is it and what role it plays in ASF ?
- How does ASF itself work and what are the roles involved there ?
- How and why open source software can be good for me, my business or my organization ?
- Can I trust open source software ? Can I trust that I will get the help I need ?
The answers of all these questions and more can found in the Community track in ApacheCon EU 2012.
Encore! The best bits, revisited
For the end of the conference, we'll be asking the speakers from the most popular talks of the conference to give their talks again. This allows anyone who missed one of the conference's greatest talks a 2nd chance to see it!
Please note that submissions cannot be made for this track. The listing for this track will be announced at lunchtime on the last day, based on feedback+tweets received during the conference.
Linked Data
Apache Jena, Incubating Apache Any23, Incubating Apache Clerezza, Incubating Apache Stanbol
- linked data application
- information extraction
- automated annotation
- enriched website
- RDF processing and reasoning.
- semantic web technologies
Apache Lucene EuroCon 2012 at ApacheCon Europe
The Lucene/Solr Ecosystem Track
Lucene, Solr, ManifoldCF, Mahout, Tika, Hadoop, ZooKeeper, and many others
Search, discovery and analytics are crucial to the success of the enterprise, e-commerce, national security, and almost every software system in use. Lucene is at the heart of many production systems today, and its popularity continues to grow a decade after it entered the open source arena.
This track will feature deep technical dives into the latest new features and case studies of real-world usage of the Lucene, Solr, and friends. The Lucene ecosystem covers document metadata, textual, and entity extraction, to indexing and searching content, through machine learning, clustering, recommendations, search analytics, and more. Big Data shines when the useful and actionable data is findable. Don't get lost on your way to this exciting track!
Lucene EuroCon is presented by LucidWorks
Modular Java Applications
Felix, ACE, Karaf, Aries, Sling
Track covers the development of modular Java applications and how they can be deployed in public and private cloud environments.
NoSQL Database
Cassandra, HBase, CouchDB, Accumulo
This complements the Big Data Track, with a specific a subset of Big Data, namely, the NoSQL databases: Cassandra, HBase, CouchDB Accumulo, etc.
In the near future, NoSQL databases would co-exist with relational databases but play a more significant role in IT industry.
This track will cover use cases and latest technical developments in NoSQL databases.
OFBiz - The not so obvious Apache project
Apache OFBiz
Apache Ofbiz is the Enterprise Automation project of Apache since 2006, based on a solid framework, consisting of solutions for Product & Catalog Mgt, eCommerce, CRM, Warehousing, Manufacturing, Project Management, FiCo, and more.
This track informs you about the ins and outs of OFbiz, what it is for and how to implement and use.
Apache OpenOffice, and the Apache Content Ecosystem
The Apache OpenOffice project will be running a 'conference within a conference'. There will be a mixture of sessions on Apache OpenOffice, and the wider Content Ecosystem at Apache. In addition to the formal talks, there will be hackathon rooms, meetups and evening sessions.
Keynotes from individuals leading user communities from business, governments and education will illustrate the myriad uses of OpenOffice.
Technical sessions focused on the core components: Writer, Calc, Impress, Math, Base and Draw will be featured. Equally important topics include: Programmability, Extensions, User Experience Design, Performance, Quality Engineering, Translation, and Documentation.
*Note - this will probably be branded as a sub-conference within the main conference *
Web Infrastructure
httpd, Tomcat and Traffic Server
Web technologies - httpd, tomcat (webserver part, proxying admin), traffic server.