Matthias Stürmer studied business administration and computer science at University of Bern until 2005 (lic.rer.pol) and finished his doctoral dissertation at the Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation at ETH Zürich in 2009 (Dr. sc. ETH Zürich). His research focused on open source communities and firm involvement, the title of his PhD thesis was "How Firms Make Friends: Communities in Private-Collective Innovation". During his studies, Matthias founded two Internet start-ups and was involved in various open source initiatives.
After finishing his PhD he then worked for one year at Liip AG, a Swiss software company creating agile Internet solutions based on open source technologies. Since 2010 he is Senior Consultant at Ernst & Young in Bern specialized on social media governance, open source software, and open government data. Matthias Stürmer is member of the board of Swiss Open System User Group /ch/open, member of the board of, secretary of the Swiss Parliamentarian Group for Digital Sustainability, and project leader of and other open source initiatives. Since 2011 he is member of the parliament of the city of Bern.
Thursday 9:15 a.m.–10 a.m. in Press Room