I am 43 years old, born in Bogota, Colombia from italian parents. My first involvement with computer was actually during the mid 80's when I used to program in Basic in my CoCo TRS-80 and later on in OS-9 Pascal (yikes!).
I am a Mechanical Engineer by profession but I have been involved with Open Source since 1996 when I met the Internet and the FreeBSD Operating System. I have been a regular contributor to that project but only this year I became a committer after working in strange areas like the ext2fs filesystem implementation, Dtrace, and the compiler, along with updating several userland libraries.
My involvement in Apache started with the recently announced Apache OpenOffice incubator project where I was attracted by the new licensing and the pre-existing FreeBSD port that was started by a developer I knew rather well: Maho Nakata. As a result of my rather casual involvement I ended up doing a lot of things that I wasn't dreaming of doing and that will be the main topic of my proposed talk.
Wednesday noon–12:45 p.m. in Level 1 Left