ApacheCon Europe 2012

Rhein-Neckar-Arena, Sinsheim, Germany

5–8 November 2012


Steve Loughran

Steve Loughran is a member of technical staff at Hortonworks, where he works on leading-edge developments within the Hadoop ecosystem, including service availability, cloud infrastructure integration, and emerging layers in the Hadoop stack.

Previously, he worked at HP Laboratories on large-scale distributed systems, including cloud computing infrastructures, dynamic Hadoop clusters and configuration management.

He is the author of Ant in Action, a member of the Apache Software Foundation, an active committer on the Hadoop core projects; an inactive committer on Apache Ant and Axis.

He lives and works in Bristol, England.


Inside hadoop-dev

Tuesday 1 p.m.–1:45 p.m. in Level 2 Left

High Availability Hadoop

Tuesday 5:15 p.m.–6 p.m. in Level 2 Left