Richard McDougall is the Application Infrastructure CTO and Big Data/Hadoop lead in the Office of the CTO at VMware. He is responsible for driving advanced development and strategy for VMware's application platform architecture—including the performance and integration of applications, runtimes, middleware, and application encapsulation technologies.
Before the CTO office, as the Chief Performance Architect, Richard drove the performance strategy and initiatives to enable virtualization of high-end mission critical applications on VMware products. Prior to joining VMware, Richard was a Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems.
Richard has co-authored several books—including “Solaris Resource Management”, “Solaris Internals”, and “Solaris Performance and Tools”—and has written numerous articles and papers on measurement, monitoring and capacity planning of Virtualization, VMware, and Solaris systems. He frequently speaks at industry and customer technical conferences on the topics of scalable system architectures, performance optimization, and resource management. Richard holds several patents in the area of performance instrumentation, algorithms, and distributed file system technologies.
Tuesday 10:15 a.m.–11 a.m. in Level 2 Left