Leren-op-Maat (Dutch for: Personalized Learning) is an educational system focussed on personalized learning. It is highly modular and completely runs in the cloud. The presentation will demonstrate how to build and deploy OSGi based applications in the cloud leveraging Apache Felix, ACE, Shindig and several other open source components.
Leren-op-Maat is an educational system focussed on personalized learning that is currently being implemented at several Dutch secondary schools. Leren-op-Maat is Dutch for “Personalized Learning”. It is a highly modular appliation that completely runs in the cloud.
In this presentation we will show how to build and deploy OSGi based applications in the cloud. We will use standard OSGi services together with open source components to create RESTful web services and use cloud services such as BlobStores. For deployment to the cloud we use Apache ACE, which makes it possible to manage cloud nodes and deploy software. It also allows fine-grained updating of running applications. The UI is based on the OpenSocial standard which makes the UI modular too.