The talk will present an overview of Apache Stanbol. Guided by use cases and implementations from early adopters the talk will motivate what Apache Stanbol can be used for and which technology is behind its features. The goal is to interest more people in the project.
Apache Stanbol is a modular set of components that provide semantic content management features. One of its core features is to extract information from unstructured content, i.e. plain text. This process is called content enhancement. With content enhancement you can identify entities like persons, places, or organizations within unstructured content. Once entities are identified they can be automatically linked to open linked data sources on the web, like DBPedia. Getting more information from unstructured content is useful in a variety of content management use cases that will be reflected in this talk.
To customize the content enhancement process Apache Stanbol offers a framework for writing customized enhancement engines. Further components are offered e.g. to manage the entities found in the unstructured content, to store the enhancement for later reuse, and even to offer a semantic search on top of the enhanced content. The talk will demonstrate how such features could and are already used in applications.
The use cases for Apache Stanbol are not only limited to content management. Having access to open linked data sources through Apache Stanbol makes it useful for other areas of application like customer relationship management, semantic e-mail routing, sharing of knowledge, etc. The talk will motivate to think about other domains where Apache Stanbol offers interesting technologies to create smarter applications.