A look at how we integrated Solr with TYPO3 - a very popular Open Source CMS in Europe and especially the German market.
Let's have a look at how we integrated Apache Solr with the TYPO3 Open Source CMS.
TYPO3 is an Open Source Content Management System that is very popular in Europe and especially in the German market. We will be looking at the integration from both sides: - How does the integration look if coming from Apache Solr - How do we make use of other Apache projects like Tika and Nutch and how ahve we contributed back to them. - How did things work coming from the TYPO3 project - The Solr integration is extremely successful, so what makes the integration a first class citizen in the Open Source world?
A special show case is the use of Apache Solr at TYPO3's own website - typo3.org. We'll be discussing some neat solutions we came up for that particular project, e.g. "How we eat our own dog food".
For people new to TYPO3 we will give a quick introduction to understand the how big TYPO3 is and what issues we were facing during the integration.