Apache Solr is a powerful tool for indexing and searching structured data. This session will explore how various features of Solr can easily be used to customize score calculations based on your domain expertise -- enabling you to help your users find the data you want them to find.
For over 20 years, search engines have been crawling the Internet and conditioning people to the idea of "searching web pages". But just as web crawlers have evolved and become more sophisticated, the web sites themselves have evolved and most "web pages" today are actually just dynamically generated views of structured data. So why do many websites still rely on crawling these generated pages when they could be searching indexes built directly from the original data?
Apache Solr is a powerful tool for indexing and searching structured data. In this session we will discuss the basics of using Solr, and how various features of Solr can easily be used to create "domain specific" search experiences superior to simply searching crawled web pages. We will also review examples of how Solr's relevancy calculations can be customized to help your users find what they are looking for, or what you want them to find, based on your evolving goals.