Do you need a lightweight solution for content driven sites which can also integrate OpenSocial Apps, Mobile W3C Widgets or Activity Streams on top? Apache Rave allows you to do just that. And more! This presentation will highlight the latest features of Apache Rave and demonstrate creating a content driven site with embedded Social Apps on the fly.
Do you need a lightweight solution for content driven sites which can also integrate OpenSocial Apps, Mobile W3C Widgets or Activity Streams on top?
Apache Rave allows you to do just that. And more!
This presentation will highlight the latest features of Apache Rave and demonstrate creating a content driven site with embedded Social Apps on the fly.
Apache Rave sites can be dynamically managed using a Springframework HMVC extension and context aware content services which are backed by a Apache Jackrabbit JCR engine.
The Rave JCR storage can easily be maintained through low-level JCR editors, full-blown CMSes or through simple WebDAV connectors. And the extensible JCR model allows runtime management of content, Spring site and hierarchical controller configurations, Social Gadgets and Widgets meta-data, and also can serve as extensible back-end storage for the sites and Social Apps themselves.
The first half of the presentation will provide an overview of the Rave project, its extensible and pluggable architecture, and insight in the latest developments and roadmap.
The second half of the presentation is reserved for a live demonstration and showcasing the latest features.