There will be 3 or more ofbizextra addons repository. What is the goals and constrains of each? What is the process to have a good visibility for its own addon.
ofbizextra addons repository should help developers to contribute to Apache-OFBiz project.
There will be : 1. ofbizextra-addons-dev 2. ofbizextra-addons-incubator 3. ofbizextra-addons
Mulitple repository for facilitate contribution and having a good quality, so ofbizextra-addons-dev is open for all people who want to contribute and ofbizextra-addons is only for addons with all quality points review.
This track will 1. details the quality points (development best practice, help, junit test, selenium test, user help, synchronization with ofbiz, bugs resolutions speed, ...) 2. details how to progress for one repository to the next, how decisions will be done
This track present what is planned, but all can be discuss and change, so this track will help to defined the definitive rules.