ApacheCons are community events, run by the developers involved in the Apache Software Foundation, for all the developers out there building on top of ASF software! Talks are technical, detailed, informative, and focused entirely on using, extending and developing software from the ASF. There are no marketing talks, no product pitches, just the information you need from the people who wrote the code.
Whether you use one Apache project or ten, whether you're a coder or an administrator, and expert developer or just getting your feet wet, if you use/build/depend-on software produced by the Apache Software Foundation, then ApacheCon is the conference for you!
The various tracks for which we're having talks are listed on the tracks page. The Call For Papers has now closed, and we'll be announcing the schedule shortly.
The conference will be catered. There will be a light breakfast every morning, and a lunch. Vegetarian options will be available for both. We're not yet sure if we'll be able to offer drinks or food in the evening - it depends if a suitable sponsor signs up! A number of options exist for dinner or drinks in Sinsheim otherwise, see the venue page for details.
Ticket sales began on Monday, August 6. Early Bird tickets are available until the 1st of October, so don't delay! To buy tickets, please visit the tickets section.
A limited amount of accommodation is available at the Hotel Sinsheim, within a few hundred metres of the venue, and at Hotel Bar in Sinsheim town center. Please see the accomodation section for more information and booking links.