ApacheCon US Keynotes
Sander Striker
Session(s): Opening Plenary - WE0 - State of the Feather by Sander Striker, President of The Apache Software Foundation Wednesday - 9:00
Sander Striker is the President of the Apache Software Foundation. He has been active in the ASF since 2000. He has contributed to projects ranging from the Apache Portable Runtime (APR), The HTTP Server Project to Subversion.
Cliff Stoll
Session: Keynote Wednesday - 9:30
Cliff Stoll's PhD is in planetary astronomy, specializing in radiative transfer in Jovian atmospheres. But he's best known for tracking down a ring of computer hackers who broke into military computers during the mid 1980's. His best selling book, "The Cuckoo's Egg", is now the classic computer spy book.
During the 1990's, frustrated by a constant stream of vapid promises for computers and the Internet, Stoll saw a vast difference between the utopia painted by computer hucksters and the mundane reality of the Internet. From these observations grew his books, "Silicon Snake Oil" and "High Tech Heretic: Why Computers Don't Belong in Schools".
Cliff now makes glass Klein Bottlesmathematical shapes which approximate a class of 4-dimensional, one-sided objects. He's written on the history of computing in Scientific American, and has recently taught physics to 8th graders. He lives in Oakland California with one smiling wife, two tree-climbing kids, three hungry cats, and four wary rats.
Patrick Ball, PhD, CTO and Director, Human Rights Programs, Benetech
Session: Keynote - Thursday - 11:30
Patrick Ball is a leading innovator in applying scientific measurement, to human rights. He has spent more than 20 years designing databases, and conducting quantitative analysis for truth commissions,
non-governmental organizations, tribunals and United Nations missions, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, South Africa, Kosovo, Sierra, Leone, Sri Lanka, and Perú.
From 1993-2003, he worked at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in the Science and Human Rights Program. His most recent work is an estimate of the total deaths in Peru, 1980-2000, conducted on behalf of the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Patrick has received several awards. This year on April 13, the Electronic Frontier Foundation presented him with their Pioneer Award. In August 2002, the Social Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association gave him a Special Achievement Award. In June 2004, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) gave Patrick the Eugene Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions within Computer Science and Informatics.
Patrick is currently involved in HRDAG projects in Sierra Leone, Chad, Sri Lanka, East Timor, Colombia, and others.
about Benetech:
Benetech is a unique bridge that connects the social sector with business and technology leaders. We join together the heart of social mission with the mind of high-tech process and project management.
Leveraging the vast technical skill in Silicon Valley, we have project managers and engineers proficient in almost every area of software development. Together, we're using technology to serve humanity.
Howard Tayler, creator of Schlock Mercenary
Session: Keynote - Friday - 11:30
Howard Tayler is a full-time cartoonist who has web-servers to thank for his livelihood. His comic strip, Schlock Mercenary, has appeared online every day since June 12, 2000, and schlockmercenary.com now serves up over 6 million pages a month to over 180,000 unique IPs. He has one book in print, Schlock Mercenary: Under New Management, and a second book coming in November of 2006.
Howard worked for Novell, Inc. for eleven years (1993-2004), during which time he did end-user technical support, large account support, on-site technical consulting, and eventually product managementall for the same set of products. For his last two years at Novell he led the company's product management efforts surrounding their collaboration offerings. He flew to Nuremberg in late 2003 to negotiate some of the finer points of Novell's acquisition of SuSE. In September of 2004 he resigned his position to become a full-time cartoonist.
From 1995 through 2000 Howard moonlighted as an independent record producer. He stepped out of that role about $25,000 poorer, and at least a little bit wiser. He has found cartooning to be more rewarding on several levels.
He hopes that at ApacheCon he can make you laugh while he makes you think. Supposedly that gets more blood flowing to your brain.
Howard lives in Orem, Utah with his wife and four children.
ApacheCon US Speakers |
Samisa Abeysinghe, Software Architect, WSO2 Inc.
Session: Enabling Web Services by Embedding Axis2/C
Samisa Abeysinghe is a Software Architect at WSO2. Samisa pioneered the Apache Axis2/C effort and architected the core of the Apache Axis2/C Web services engine. He continues to be an active contributor in Apache Axis2/C project. Prior to joining WSO2, Samisa worked as a Web services specialist at the R&D division of Virtusa. His involvement in open source projects began in 2004 when he started working with the Apache Axis C/C++ project. As a technical consultant from Virtusa, Samisa worked with IBM to improve and stabilize the Apache Axis C/C++ Web services engine.
Brian Akins, Chief Operations Engineer, Turner Digital Media Technologies
Session: CNN.com Performance and Lessons Learned
Brian Akins is a self taught engineer and developer. He began hacking on Apache HTTPD in 1999 and has been addicted everysince. He has been working with CNN.com since 2000 and is the chief evangelist for the use of open source tools there. He lives with his growing family in the suburbs of Atlanta.
Rajith Attapattu, Red Hat Canada
Session: A Practical Guide to Apache Axis2
Rajith Attapattu is a Senior Software Engineer from Redhat's Stacks Engineering team. Rajith is an open source enthusiast and is a volunteer with the Lanka Software Foundation that promotes Open Source development within Sri Lanka. He is currently working on JSR 181 support ,session management and providing clustering support for Apache Axis2. Rajith is a committer on WADI, a distributed application infrastructure project, and has also contributed code for the javamail implementation in Apache Geronimo. Rajith has about 8 years of experience in Software design and development and has worked in several application domains including Telecommunications, CRM, Finance & Banking and Embedded systems. Rajith's research interests are in improving Scalability and High Availability of Web Services, and Distributed Computing in general.
Afkham Azeez, Senior Software Engineer, WSO2
Tutorial: Building Enterprise applications with Axis2 (T03)
Brian Behlendorf
Session: Bringing Open Source Software Development Processes and Principles to the Enterprise
Brian Behlendorf founded CollabNet, with O'Reilly & Associates , in July 1999. The company provides tools and services based on open source methods. Before launching CollabNet, Behlendorf was co-founder and CTO of Organic Online , a Web design and engineering consultancy located in San Francisco. During his five years at Organic, Behlendorf helped create Internet strategies for dozens of Fortune 500 companies. During that time, he co-founded and contributed heavily to the Apache Web Server Project , co-founded and supported the VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) effort, and assisted several IETF working groups, particularly the HTTP standardization effort. Before starting Organic, Behlendorf was the first Chief Engineer at Wired Magazine and later HotWired , one of the first large-scale publishing Web sites.
Noel J. Bergman
Tutorial: Portlet Development using JSR-168 (T5)
Noel J. Bergman's background in object-oriented programming spans more than 25 years. Noel is a Member of the Apache Software Foundation, where he participates on various projects and the infrastructure team; helps in Community building; and is the Apache Incubator PMC Chair. Noel's tutorial will be hands-on, so that attendees will leave having not just heard about portlets, but having actually written, installed, and interacted with them.
Rich Bowen, Asbury College
Session(s): Httpd Power Tools - 20 things you didn't know you could do with your Apache web server, Introduction to WebDAV, 2.2 Rocks! Quit using 1.3 already!, URL Mapping - How to avoid using mod_rewrite, Introduction to mod_rewrite
Rich has been working on the Apache Web Server docs since 1999, and has written 5 books about related technologies. He currently works as one of the web monkeys at Asbury College, in Wilmore Kentucky. He can be found lurking as DrBacchus on #apache on Freenode, or out in the woods geocaching.
Donald Brown, Senior Developer, Atlassian
Session: Struts 2.0
Don Brown is currently a senior developer for Atlassian out of San Francisco, California, and has worked in the commercial and US Department of Defense sectors. He is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and has been a Struts committer since 2003. He is also a committer on several Jakarta Commons projects, and occasionally speaks at Java-related conferences and user groups.<
Brandon Burk, Application Architect, for a global car rental company
Session: Enterprise Maven
Brandon is an Application Architect for the world's largest car rental company. He has served as architect, designer, and developer in multiple industries ranging from software startups to financial services. He specializes in enterprise software development and integration using Java technologies. Brandon holds multiple certifications from Sun, Novell, and Microsoft. When not immersed in technology, he can be found spending time with his wife and family, riding vintage motorcycles, or playing the guitar.
Ugo Cei, Principal Consultant, SourceSense
Session(s): Atomized: How to consume and publish Atom using Open-Source Java tools, Ruby for Java Programmers
Ugo Cei is Principal Consultant at SourceSense, a startup focused on open source software development with a strong international focus. Cei has a Ph.D. in Informatics Engineering from the University of Pavia, Italy, more than 15-years experience working in the software field, and is a committer for the Apache Software Foundation. While not busy developing software, he spends his time reading books, blogging, skiing, or simply staying at home with the family.
David Chandler, Java Web Architect, Digital Insight
Session: Securing myFaces Applications Against the OWASP Top Ten Attacks
David Chandler is a Java Web Architect with Digital Insight in Atlanta, GA, where he has been developing a next-generation platform for Internet banking applications built on Apache myFaces. An electrical engineer by trade, Chandler got hooked on developing dynamic Web applications in 1994 and hasn't looked back since. Having written Web applications in C, perl, ColdFusion, and Java, Chandler is a huge fan of tools like Hibernate and JSF that bring together the robustness and expressiveness of Java along with the speedy development that once belonged only to scripting languages. Chandler holds a patent on a method of organizing hierarchical data in a relational database and is the author of the best-selling Running a Perfect Web Site (Que, 1995).
Philippe M. Chiasson, Senior Software Engineer, ActiveState
Session(s): mod_perl for Speed Freaks!, mod_perl-2.0: Advanced Profiling & Instrumenting Techniques
Philippe M. Chiasson is an open-source developer, spending most of his time working on mod_perl, an ASF project to open up the power of the apache API to Perl developers. He is a member of the ASF and currently works for ActiveState.
Rod Coffin, Senior Consultant at Valtech Skill Development
Session: Enterprise Maven
Rod is a Senior Consultant at Valtech Skill Development, a group that guides clients through large-scale adoption of modern development processes and technologies. He is primarily involved in mentoring teams on enterprise Java development and agile practices. He has written several articles on a range of topics from Aspect Oriented Programming, to EJB 3.0. He helped to found the Oklahoma City Java Users group where he is a frequent presenter.
John Coggeshall, Technical Consultant, Zend
Session: 2.2 Rocks! Quit using 1.3 already!
Tutorial: 30 Top PHP Scalability Mistakes (T1)
John Coggeshall is a Technical Consultant for Zend Technologies where he provides professional services to clients around the world. He got started with PHP in 1997 and is the author of three published books and over 100 articles on PHP technologies with some of the biggest names in the industry such as Sams Publishing, Apress and O'Reilly. John also is a active contributor to the PHP core as the author of the tidy extension, a member of the Zend Education Advisory Board, and frequent speaker at PHP-related conferences worldwide.
David Van Couvering, Senior Staff Software Engineer for Sun MicroSystems
Session: Embedding Apache Derby in a Browser
Tutorial: Building an AJAX Application with a Browser-Embedded Database (T04)
David Van Couvering has spent his engineering career crossing the bridge between databases and the middle tier world of application servers, Java and distributed systems. He was the original architect for the Sybase J2EE application server and for the first release of the clustered Sun Java Application Server Enterprise Edition. Currently he is involved in database technology at Sun, and is a committer for Apache Derby and a member of the Apache DB PMC.
Torsten Curdt
Session: Jakarta Commons - don't re-invent the wheel
Torsten Curdt is an active member of the Apache Software Foundation developer community, as well as a technical writer. He has been around the Apache Cocoon project since version 1.7 and became a committer in 2001. With its creation he also became member of the Cocoon PMC. Although he has been involved in several other open source projects, his main contributions and publications are Apache related. Today he is also part of the Jakarta PMC and a member of the Apache Software Foundation. In particular he is interested in the research of new technologies.
Winston Damarillo, CEO, Simula Labs
Session: Roadmap for Enterprise Adoption of Open Source, The Business of Open Source
Winston Damarillo is the CEO of Simula Labs, an enterprise software company focused on enabling broad enterprise adoption of open source software. Simula Labs is the parent company of Mergere - focused on Development Automation Infrastructure based on Apache Maven and LogicBlaze - a provider of integrated SOA infrastructure based on Apache ActiveMQ and Apache ServiceMix. Damarillo was the founder and CEO of Gluecode Software based on Apache Geronimo which was acquired by IBM in 2005. Prior to Gluecode, Winston Damarillo led venture capital investments and strategic software relationships for Intel Corporation.
Chris J. Davis, Webmaster, Asbury College
Session: Intro to XSLT
Chris J. Davis is a Web Developer and Mac Head living in Central Kentucky, USA. Currently Chris is the Webmaster for Asbury College, a hacker on the WordPress Project, lead developer on K2 and Scrivener and co-author of Blog Design Solutions from Friends of Ed. You can find his ramblings at Sillyness Spelled Wrong Intentionally.
Dan Debrunner, STSM, IBM
Session: Apache Derby 10.2 - New feature overview
Dan Debrunner is a member of the ASF & Apache DB PMC and is a Senior Technical Staff Member with IBM's Information Management division in San Francisco, California. For the past ten years he has been the architect for the Cloudscape database engine, guiding the technology from a startup company through two acquisitions to wide deployment in IBM's middleware and opening the technology as Apache Derby. Dan has worked on the internals of number of additional database engines at Sybase, Illustra and Informix. Prior to coming to the United States Dan worked for a London based Unix systems company and received an MA in Physics from the University of Oxford.
Jean-Sebastien Delfino, Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
Session: Apache Tuscany: An Open Source Runtime for SOA
Jean-Sebastien Delfino is a Senior Technical Staff Member at the IBM Burlingame Lab. Currently Jean-Sebastien is working on the Service Component Architecture and the Apache Tuscany project. He has been working on SOA for more than 5 years as a technical lead in the WebSphere Process Server team and previously in the WebSphere Studio tooling team at the IBM Toronto Lab. Jean-Sebastien has over 15 years experience in software development and system integration. Prior to joining IBM he worked for Atos-Origin on a number of integration projects for European top companies in the bank, insurance and telecom sectors and various government agencies including the European Commission.
Dan Diephouse, Envoi Solutions
Session: SOAP vs REST smackdown
Mr. Diephouse is an accomplished enterprise architect and open source developer who specializes in web services and service-oriented architecture. He is the founder of the incubating Apache CeltiXfire project and a committer on several other open source projects, including Apache ServiceMix, XmlSchema, and Continuum.
Ate Douma, Software Architect, Hippo
Session: JSR-286: Portlet Specification 2.0 - Upcoming enhancements and new features for Portal and Portlet Developers
Ate Douma is Software Architect and Portal and Portlet specialist at open-source based CMS vendor Hippo in The Netherlands. He is an active committer for the Apache Jetspeed Enterprise Portal and Apache Portals Bridges, PMC member for Apache Portals, and member of the java Community Process (JCP) Expert Group for JSR-286: Portlet Specification 2.0. Ate is also creator of the Apache Portals Struts Bridge, now part of the Apache Portals Bridges project.
Bill Dudney, Practice Leader/CTO Virtuas Open Source Solutions
Session: Clustering Apache Geronimo
As a long time open source advocate, Bill Dudney has been actively involved in fostering open source community development since 1990. Bill is a committer on the Apache Software Foundation's MyFaces project (myfaces.apache.org) and has written a book (Eclipse Live) focusing on the open source Eclipse platform (eclipse.org). In addition to his involvement in open source, Bill has worked with Java development for ten years, enterprise computing for fifteen and has built software for NASAs Space Shuttle program.
Lisa Dusseault, IETF Applications Area Director
Session: Enhancing Authentication: Beyond Passwords
Lisa Dusseault is the new Area Director for the Applications Area at the IETF. She has been an IETF contributor on various Internet applications protocols for nine years now, and was co-chair of the IMAP Extensions, Calendar Simplifications, WebDAV and XMPP Working Groups at various times. She is also the author of a book on WebDAV and co-author of CalDAV, an open and interoperable protocol for calendar access and sharing. Lisa currently works as standards architect at the Open Source Applications Foundation, where she's involved in the Chandler, Cosmo and Scooby projects.
Lars Eilebrecht
Session(s): Behind the Scenes of the Apache Software Foundation (part 1), Behind the Scenes of the Apache Software Foundation (part 2)
Lars is co-founder and member of the Apache Software Foundation and started contributing to the Apache web server project in 1997. In addition, he is a member of the ApacheCon planning committee, the Apache security team, and the Apache public relations committee. He has a degree in computer engineering from the University of Siegen, Germany, where he wrote his first book about the Apache web server. He held various senior engineering, consulting and management positions at various ISPs, mobile network providers and software development companies. Lars is also a member of the International Financial Cryptography Association. Currently he is working as a senior security officer for a software development company in Munich specializing in cryptographic research and development, and the operation of highly secure data centers.
Ersin Er
Session(s): LDAP Stored Procedures and Triggers arrive in ApacheDS, ApacheDS Access Control Administration; The X.500 Way
Ersin Er is an active committer and PMC member of the Apache Directory Project. He has been working in the project for more than one year and he has been involved in implementing various appealing features of ApacheDS like LDAP Stored Procedures and Triggers. He is also a Ph.D student at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hacettepe University in Turkey.
Ernst Fastl
Session(s): Essentials on Performant JavaServer Faces Apps: Client Versus Server Side, AJAX in Apache MyFaces
Tutorial: JSF and Apache MyFaces in Action (T2)
Ernst is an Apache MyFaces Contributor, and has developed several components for Apache MyFaces. He is working for IRIAN GmbH, one of the most active companies supporting Apache MyFaces, and developing custom solutions based on the framework. Ernst has implemented a Partial Page Rendering Solution based on AJAX for Apache MyFaces and also gained experience using AJAX while writing a book on Ruby on Rails, a Web-development Framework which heavily uses AJAX.
Brian W. Fitzpatrick, Google, Inc.
Paul Fremantle, Co-founder & VP of Technology, WSO2
Session: Apache Synapse - The ESB that kills the ESB
Paul Fremantle works on Open Source projects in Apache, and has contributed to Apache since the first Apache SOAP project. While at IBM, he was instrumental in starting up the Apache WSIF, and Apache Woden projects, as well as being heavily involved in the AxisC/C++ initiative, where he led IBM's involvement. Paul was a Senior Technical Staff Member in IBM, where he was the lead architect and co-creator of IBM's Web Services Gateway. Paul is the co-chair of the OASIS WS-RX technical committee and leads the JSR110 committee (JWSDL). Before joining IBM, Paul worked as a consultant in the pharmaceutical industry. Publications include co-authoring "Building Web Services in Java, 2nd Edition", articles on Web Services and SOA, and a redbook"The XML Files: Using XML and XSL in WebSphere". Paul has presented at ApacheCon, Colorado Software Summit, XML Europe, Software Architecture and other industry conferences. Paul has an M.A. in Mathematics and Philosophy and an M.Sc in Computation from Oxford University.
Jeff Genender, CTO, Savoir Technologies, Inc
Session: Apache Geronimo Unleashed
Jeff is an active committer and Project Management Committee (PMC) member for Apache Geronimo, a committer on OpenEJB, ServiceMix, and Mojo (Maven plugins). He is the author of Enterprise Java Servlets (Addison Wesley Longman, 2001), also is currently coauthoring Professional Apache Geronimo (2006, Wiley). Jeff also serves as a member of the Java Community Process (JCP) expert group for JSR-244 (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) Specification) as a representative of the Apache Software Foundation. Jeff is an open source evangelist and has successfully brought open source development efforts, initiatives, and success stories into a number of Global 2000 companies, saving these organizations millions in licensing costs.
Will Glass-Husain, Chief Software Architect, Forio Business Simulations
Session: Developing a Successful Open Source Consulting Business
Will Glass-Husain is Chief Software Architect of Forio Business Simulations, a small startup located in San Francisco offering products and consulting services to customers around the world. Will has been programming since he was 10 and running one business or another since he was 14. He's a committer on the Jakarta Velocity project, a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and a participant in a variety of open source project communities.
Richard S. Hall, LSR-ADELE, Grenoble University
Session: JSR 277, 291, 294 and OSGi, Oh My! - OSGi and Java Modularity
Richard S. Hall is a researcher affiliated with the LSR-ADELE software research group of Grenoble University. His research interests include dynamic assembly and reconfiguration of applications, especially applications built from components that exhibit high levels of dynamic availability. He started developing Oscar, an open source OSGi framework, in 2000 as a platform for his research. He is now contributing to the Apache Incubator Felix OSGi project and is a member of the JSR 277 and JSR 291 Expert Groups.
Rebecca Hansen
Session: WE30 - Open Source: The End of Ossification
BJ Hargrave, Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
Session: Bringing up Geronimo on Felix
BJ Hargrave is a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM with over 20 years of experience as a software architect and developer. His focus is small computer operating systems (kernels, file systems, development tools, application binary interface specifications) and Java technology. He holds multiple patents for JVM performance improvements and is the IBM expert and lead architect for OSGi technologies. BJ holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Miami. BJ has been a leader in the development of the OSGi technology since its inception and was named an OSGi Fellow in 2002 for his technical contributions and leadership in the OSGi Alliance. He is currently CTO of the OSGi Alliance and chair of the OSGi Core Platform Expert Group. BJ is a committer on the Eclipse Equinox project and tries to help out on the Apache Felix project.
Perrin Harkins, Senior Engineer, Plus Three
Session: Low-Maintenance Perl
Perrin Harkins is a senior engineer at Plus Three, an open source-oriented consulting company. His prior experience includes development at large web-based businesses like eToys.com and CitySearch.com. He has published articles on perl.com and contributed to several books about web development. He is a frequent participant in open source projects, and a member of the Apache Software Foundation.
Rick Hillegas, Sun Microsystems
Session: Java in the Database
Rick Hillegas is a Senior Staff Engineer at Sun Microsystems and a committer on Apache's open source Derby database. Before coming to Sun, Rick worked on SQL interpreters for a number of database companies, including Ingres and Sybase. Rick is a co-inventor of Cloudscape's LUCID data synchronization model and he contributed significantly to the Cloudscape database engine from its startup days through its acquisition by Informix.
Chris Hostetter
Session: Faceted Searching With Apache Solr
Chris Hostetter is a Senior Software Engineer at CNET Networks where he has spent most of the last 7 years of his life thinking about searching "structured data" that is never as structured as it should be. When he is not committing to the Apache Lucene and Solr projects, he is probably welding something shiny out of stainless steel and silicon bronze.
Ted Husted
Tutorial: Migrating to Struts Action 2 (T10)
Ted is a senior member of the Apache Struts development team. His best-selling books include JUnit in Action, Struts in Action, and Professional JSP Site Design. Ted has trained software development teams of all sizes throughout the United States, including teams with CitiGroup, Pepsi Bottling Company, and Nationwide Insurance.
Jim Jagielski
Session: ASF Corporate Sponsorships
Web/open source visionary and advocate Jim Jagielski currently serves as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Covalent Technologies, the leading provider of products and services for Tomcat and Apache. Early in his career, Jagielski went to work for NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center as an engineer. His main tasks were in modeling, simulation and analysis of spacecraft power systems. At GSFC, he was an early convert to the Macintosh (his PC of choice even today). When Apple released their first version of UNIX, called A/UX, Jagielski quickly became a known expert in that OS. He was the editor of the FAQ for A/UX, and Apple would even have people contact Jim if they had A/UX questions. It was his association with A/UX that started his guru reputation on the 'Net. Since then, Jagielski has made developer and porting contributions to numerous Open Source projects, including Perl, sendmail, BIND/named, PHP, xntpd, GNU, cgiwrap and FreeBSD. He's also written a lot of independent code and is best known as a long-time (almost "charter") core developer of Apache, after having helped develop the later versions of NCSA's httpd server. Jagielski also serves on the Board of Directors of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and holds the positions of Executive V.P. and Secretary.
Narayana Janga, Senior Staff Engineer, Sun MicroSystems
Tutorial: OpenSolaris Zones: Web server and application consolidation (T12)
Narayana Janga works as a Senior Staff Engineer at Sun MicroSystems Inc. Primary responsibilities include sustaining Solaris opertaing system and improving Solaris patching tools. Narayana has received a M. S. in Computer Science from Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, Texas. Interests include P2P architectures, GRID and distributed computing.
Deepal Jayasinghe, Senior Software Engineer, WS02
Tutorial: Building Enterprise applications with Axis2 (T03)
Deepal Jayasinghe is an Apache PMC member whose current work involves architectureing and developing of Apache Axis2 and Apache synapse. He is a core architecture and core developer of Apache Axis2 project since day one. Deepal's research interests are Distributed computing, Fault tolerance systems and Web service-related technologies in general.
Dave Johnson, Staff Engineer, Sun MicroSystems
Session: Apache Roller: an open source Java blog server
Dave Johnson is a North Carolina based software developer who has worked in a variety of software companies including Rogue Wave, HAHT Software and SAS Institute. In 2002, unable to satisfy his urge to create cool software at work, Dave worked nights and weekends to create the open source, Java-based Roller blog server. Dave now works on Roller full-time as a Staff Engineer in the blogs.sun.com team at Sun Microsystems. Dave is the author of Manning Publications book RSS and Atom In Action.
Alex Karasulu
Tutorial: Embedding ApacheDS (T4)
Alex Karasulu is proud to be an Apache Member. He founded the Apache Directory Project and is presently the V.P. and PMC Chair for Directory. Alex is a committer on several projects: directory, jarkarta, excalibur, and felix. He is also an incubator mentor for Felix: Apache's new OSGi effort.
Malinda Kaushalye Kapuruge
Session: Enabling Web Services by Embedding Axis2/C
Kaushalye contributes to the Apache Axis2/C project and is currently working on implementing the security module. He is the author of Apache Rampart/C and OMXmlSec, the XML-Security library for Apache AXIOM. He currently works full time at WSO2 Inc.
Sally Khudairi, Chief Executive, HALO Worldwide
Session(s): Business Track Opening Panel, Breaking Through the Noise: Visibility for your Open Source Project
Tutorial: Media Analyst Training (T12)
A dynamic proponent for emerging talent and next-generation innovation, Sally returned to the luxury market after directing communications strategies for some of the most prominent Web technology standards over the past decade. She gained public attention as deputy to World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee, corporate advisor and spokesperson, and primary liaison to more than 200 multinational organizations. Championing the collaborative efforts that revolutionized the way the world now communicates and conducts business, Sally's unwavering commitment to excellence has influenced countless initiatives worldwide. Sallys career spans the progressive aspects of management, with proven success in strategic planning, positioning, communications counsel, team building, public/client/investor/media relations, alliance outreach, and development. Throughout her career, she has uniquely coupled her impeccable taste, solid business experience, and rigorous eye for detail to help clients realize growing business objectives while actively pushing the envelope.
Rasmus Lerdorf, Architect, Yahoo! Inc.
Session: Getting Rich with PHP 5
Rasmus Lerdorf is known for having gotten the PHP project off the ground in 1995, the mod_info Apache module and he can be blamed for the ANSI92 SQL-defying LIMIT clause in mSQL 1.x which has now, at least conceptually, crept into both MySQL and PostgreSQL. Prior to joining Yahoo! as an infrastructure engineer in 2002, he was at a string of companies including Linuxcare, IBM, and Bell Canada working on Internet technologies.
Matt Lewandowsky
Tutorial: Hands-on Windows Web Serving (T06)
Matt Lewandowsky is a geek who enjoys long moonlit walks on the beach...Wrong buffer...He has almost 10 years of experience working with the Apache webserver on a range of operating systems. He has also been an irregular in #apache on freenode for a number of years. Rumor has it that since he was told that he may not have a pony, he is currently building a cybernetic pony. He is likely to put the pony to work in his international spy ring dispensing buttered scones for tea.
Howard M. Lewis Ship
Session: Tapestry Components for Web 2.0
Howard Lewis Ship started coding in Basic and 6502 assembly at age 13 and hasn't looked back since. He's been cranking out Java code since 1997 and has focused in web application development. He's the creator of the Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind frameworks, and the author of "Tapestry in Action". Howard has instructed hundreds of developers in the use of Tapestry and other open source tools. He currently lives in Portland, OR with his wife Suzanne, a novelist.
Geir Magnusson Jr
Session: Introduction to Apache Harmony
Geir Magnusson Jr is Director of Middleware Architecture and Open Source Technology for the Middleware Products Division of Intel Corporation. He is an avid open source supporter, having been involved with the ASF since 2000. He has participated in projects spanning Jakarta, DB, Geronimo and now Harmony, and participates in infrastructure and other Foundation activities.
Stefano Mazzocchi, Research Scientist, MIT
Session(s): A no-nonsense introduction to "Semantic Web" technologies , All you wanted to know about Open Development community building but didn't know who to ask
Stefano Mazzocchi is a research scientist working on semantic web tecnologies for the SIMILE project in affiliation with the Digital Library Research Group at the MIT Libraries. He is also known for his open source activities withing the Apache Software Foundation of which he's been a member since 1999 and a director between 2004 and 2006. There, he's is mostly known for having started several projects, mostly on the java-related side of the foundation. He has also participated in several expert groups within the Java Community Process, such as the Servlet API EG, the JAXP EG and more recently the JCR EG (aka JSR-170). His research interests include data interoperability, knowledge management, usability, data mining, social network analysis and software engineering.
Craig McClanahan, Senior Staff Engineer, Sun
Session(s): The Apache Shale Framework, Shale And The Java Persistence Architecture
Craig McClanahan is a Senior Staff Engineer at Sun Microsystems, Inc. He is currently Architect for Sun Java Studio Creator, an IDE for building web applications using the JavaServer Faces architecture. Prevously, Craig was co-Specification Lead for JavaServer Faces 1.0 (JSR-127), as well as the original creator of the Struts and Shale frameworks.
Brian Moseley, Server Engineer, OSA Foundation
Session: Cosmo and Scooby: Standards-based Open Source Calendaring
Brian Moseley is the lead engineer for Cosmo, OSAF's calendar server project. He has previously worked for such open source friends as Critical Path and Covalent Technologies, where he built web and server applications in Perl, PHP, and Java. You might have encountered him at past conferences drinking beer with the mod_perl crew. He lives in San Francisco, which continues to be his home base despite sojourns in Oakland, Brooklyn, and Melbourne, Australia.
Aaron Mulder, CTO, Chariot Solutions
Session: Making the Most of Geronimo Plugins
Aaron Mulder is currently CTO of Chariot Solutions, a Java consulting company. he has been working with Java technology since Java Alpha, and has worked on applets, applications, and Web applications using Java, CORBA, and J2EE. He has contributed to the Apache Geronimo, JBoss, and OpenEJB open-source J2EE servers, as well as the JDBC drivers for the PostgreSQL database. He co-authored the book Professional EJB, and is the author of the WebLogic 7 Deployment and Administration Handbook and an upcoming book on Apache Geronimo. Aaron is also a member of the JSR-88 (J2EE Application Deployment API) expert group and he has presented on a variety of Java-related topics in forums such as Java Users Group meetings, seminars, TheServerSide Java Symposium, ApacheCon, and the 2001 through 2006 JavaOne conferences.
Simon Nash
Session: Apache Tuscany: An Open Source Runtime for SOA
Brad Nicholes, Senior Software Engineer, Novell Inc.
Session(s): New Modular Authentication Architecture in Apache 2.2 and Beyond, Using LDAP Authentication in Apache 2.2
Brad Nicholes is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and is currently working as a Senior Software Engineer for Novell, Inc. He has been a committer on the HTTPD and APR projects since 2000 primarily working in the areas of authentication and authorization as well as porting, maintaining and supporting the Apache HTTPD server on the NetWare platform. Brad attended school at the University of Utah and Brigham Young University and holds a degree in Computer Science.
Guillaume Nodet, Architect, LogicBlaze
Session: ServiceMix presentation
Tutorial: ServiceMix Tutorial
With 8 years of Software Development, Guillaume is now working for LogicBlaze and is a commiter on Apache ServiceMix. He is also involved in other Open Source projects such as Apache ActiveMQ, XBean and XFire.
Francois Orsini, Senior Staff Software Engineer for Sun MicroSystems
Session: Embedding Apache Derby in a Browser
Tutorial: Building an AJAX Application with a Browser-Embedded Database (T04)
Francois Orsini is a senior staff engineer working on Apache Derby with 18 years' experience in databases and infrastructure development. His expertise is in distributed data management systems, security, resource management, HA cluster solutions, and connectivity services. Francois spent 8 years at Sybase as a senior engineer working on the SQL Server core engine. He then worked at Cloudscape, Inc. as a technical lead, where he designed and implemented connectivity, security and middleware services for the Cloudscape Java database, which has now been contributed to Apache as Apache Derby. Francois holds a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering and Computer Science from the Paris Institute of Technology.
Joe Orton, Red Hat
Session: Kerberos and Single Sign-on with HTTP
Joe Orton has been writing free software for eight years and is the author of a number of open source WebDAV tools such as "cadaver". He works in the UK for Red Hat as maintainer of web-server packaging, from Apache httpd to PHP and beyond. Joe is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and is a committer on the httpd and APR projects.
Patrick Paul
Session: Getting started with Apache FOP
Patrick Paul is an independent software developer and consultant based in Montreal, Canada. He works, among other things, on single-source document management and production for government agencies and universities. This summer he has implemented the auto-table layout into Apache FOP. He is also involved in various open source projects as part of his work, and is a firm believer in open source software.
Michael Peters, Software Engineer, Plus Three, LP
Session: 5 Easy Ways to Breathe AJAX Life Into an Existing Application
An open source programmer currently living in the Washington DC area of the US, Michael works for Plus Three, LP as a Perl/mod_perl programmer building online communications and fundraising software for political and non-profit organizations. He's been an active participant in the mod_perl community for several years and maintains several modules on CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network). He enjoys looking for new interfaces to make web applications simpler and probably spends way too much time tweaking a UI. He's also a big fan of software testing and maintains the Smolder (Smoke Test Server) project on sourceforge.net.
David Reid
Session: Harnessing the power of RDF: projects.apache.org
David Reid has been a member of the ASF for 5 years. He has spent time working on the httpd project and was one of the people who initially developed the APR libraries. Recently he's been working on some infrastructure issues for the ASF while finding time to continue developing APR when not recording episodes of FeatherCast.
Garrett Rooney, Software Engineer, CollabNet
Session: Writing Portable C Code with APR
Tutorial: Adding Version Control to Your Application with Subversion (T08)
Garrett Rooney works at CollabNet where he plays with Subversion and other related technology. He's a member of the Apache Software Foundation, where he works on APR and pretends he's good enough to commit the occasional change to the Apache HTTPD. When he's not thinking clearly he moonlights as an author; you can see some of his work on O'ReillyNet, in the book Practical Subversion, and most recently in a chapter for O'Reilly's forthcoming Ruby Cookbook. He graduated from RPI, and in his spare time he tries to remember what it was like to have spare time.
Olav Sandstaa, Staff Engineer, Sun MicroSystems
Session: Configuring Apache Derby for Performance and Durability
Olav Sandstå is staff engineer in the Database Technology Group at Sun Microsystems. For the last six years he have been working on the internals of high-availability database management systems with focus on high performance. Today he is working as an Apache Derby developer. Prior to joining Sun he worked on the Clustra DBMS. He has a PhD in storage systems for digital video from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Andrew Savory, Managing Director, Luminas
Tutorial: Hands-on Apache Cocoon
Andrew Savory has been developing web applications commercially for the last six years as Managing Director of Luminas, a UK-based open source software solutions provider. He's a committer on the Apache Cocoon project, and has spoken a number of times on subjects such as Open Source, Open Standards, the ASF, and XML publishing architectures.
Theo Schlossnagle, Principal Consultant, OmniTI
Tutorial: Scalable Internet Architectures
Theo Schlossnagle is a Principal Consultant at OmniTI Computer Consulting where he designs and implements scalable solutions for highly trafficed sites and other clients in need of sound, scalable architectural engineering. During the last several years, he was a key participant at The Center for Networking and Distributed Systems at The Johns Hopkins University researching scalable distributed system design. Current research includes resource allocation techniques in dynamic models and distributed mail systems based on "eventual consistency". Theo is the author and maintainer of the mod_backhand load-balancing module for Apache, an author and principal architect of the Ecelerity email server.
Cliff Schmidt, Principal Consultant, Symbioss Strategy
Session(s): Behind the Scenes of the Apache Software Foundation (part 2), Intellectual Property Law: Fundamentals, Overview of Open Source Licenses, License Reviews: Apache, GPL/LGPL, EPL, and CDDL, Advanced IP Law and Best Practices of Open Source Projects
Cliff Schmidt contributes to the Apache Software Foundation as its Vice President for Legal Affairs, as a member of several Project Management Committees, including the Apache Incubator PMC, and on the Board of Directors. He also assists several other open source organizations and many independent software vendors with licensing topics and other open source issues through his firm, Symbioss Strategy, which primarily helps companies evaluate and execute profitable business strategies based on symbiotic relationships with open source software organizations. Prior to founding Symbioss Strategy, Cliff was responsible for pioneering BEA's open source strategy and relationship with open source communities, such as Apache Software Foundation and the Eclipse Foundation.
Henning P. Schmiedehausen
Session(s): Apache Container 2.0, Apache O/R Mappers
Henning Schmiedehausen is a team member on a number of Jakarta projects such as Turbine and Velocity. He works as a freelance consultant, architect and software developer using the J2EE platform and admits under torture that he can program in PHP and perl. When not sitting in front of a computer, Henning enjoys traveling around the world with his wife, sports (both active and passive) and moonlights as a 10th level barbarian at his local D&D group.
Leo Simons
Session: Really Big Builds
Leo Simons is, among other things, Dutch, a freelance programmer and an ASF member. He has been working on a wide variety of Apache projects for many years, acting as committer, mentor, Vice President, documentation author, build manager, release manager, or sysadmin.
Ferdinand Soethe
Session: Single Source Publishing with Apache Forrest
Tutorial: First steps with Apache Forrest (T11)
Ferdinand Soethe has been working as a programmer, trainer and systems analyst in different fields of information technology. As a technical author he has written about several aspects of information publishing. His current focus is on harnessing XML-technologies and open source solutions for single source publishing problems. He is member of the project management committee for the Apache Forrest project and uses Forrest technology in recent publishing projects. In one of his current projects he is building a Forrest application to create intelligent training and presentation materials with XML and a single source approach.
Kevin T. Smith, Technical Director, McDonald Bradley
Session: Using Apache WSS4J and Apache Axis to Secure Web Services for the United States Government
Kevin T. Smith is the Technical Director of Net-Centric Futures at McDonald Bradley, where he leads the SOA & Semantic Security Team (S3T) focusing on securing web services and data integration initiatives for multiple projects. He was the original designer and developer of the Defense Intelligence Agency's Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) Security Toolkit, which was the Horizontal Fusion implementation of the NCES Security enterprise handlers (written using Apache Axis and Apache WSS4J).He is the author of multiple technology books, including "The Semantic Web" (Wiley, 2003), "Professional Portal Development with Open Source Tools" (Wrox, 2004), and "More Java Pitfalls" (Wiley, 2003). Kevin has led web services security workshops and has spoken at numerous industry conferences, such as JavaOne, various OMG workshops, and Net-Centric Warfare 2004.
Bruce Snyder, Architect, LogicBlaze
Session: Making the Most of Geronimo Plugins
Bruce Snyder is a 10-year veteran of enterprise software development and a recognized leader in open source software. Bruce has experience in a wide range of technologies including Java EE, Service Oriented
Architecture and Event Driven Architecture. In addition to his role as an Architect for LogicBlaze, Bruce is also a founding member of Apache Geronimo and a developer for Apache ActiveMQ, Apache ServiceMix,
Apache Ode and Castor among other things.
Bruce also serves as a member of the JCP expert group for JSR-221 (JDBC 4.0), JSR-243 (Java Data Objects 2.0) and JSR-291 (Dynamic Component Support for Java). In addition, Bruce is also currently co-authoring Professional Apache Geronimo for Wrox Press and is a speaker at industry conferences including TheServerSide Java Symposium, Java in Action, JavaOne, ApacheCon, JAOO, SOA Web Services Edge, No Fluff Just Stuff and various Java Users Groups.
Jeremy Stashewsky, Software Developer, Sophos Plc
Session: Apache as a Virus-Scanning Web Proxy
Jeremy Stashewsky currently works for Sophos Plc developing gateway security appliances. Previously, Jeremy worked at the University of Victoria (from which he also holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science) as a programmer and administrator for the UVic network services department with a focus on supplying secure network access to faculty, staff and students.
Sander Temme
Session(s): Apache Performance Tuning Part 1: Scaling Up, Apache Performance Tuning Part 2: Scaling Out
Sander Temme hails from Amsterdam, the Netherlands where he obtained a Masters degree in Experimental Physics. Sander is an ASF member and is active on the infrastructure committee and the httpd project. He currently works as Field Applications Engineer for Britestream Networks in Austin, TX. Sander is owned by Murphy, the wonder cat.
Laura Thomson
Session: Maintainable PHP
Tutorial: PHP and MySQL Best Practices (T8)
Laura Thomson is Director of Web Development at OmniTI and has been working with PHP and MySQL for many years. She is the co-author of PHP and MySQL Web Development and MySQL Tutorial, and has given tutorials on these topics worldwide.
Lee Thompson, Chief Technologist, E*TRADE FINANCIAL
Session: The Business of Open Source
As Vice President and Chief Technologist of E*TRADE FINANCIAL, Lee Thompson is responsible for managing the company~s technical strategy. A driver of change at the company since its inception in 1996, Mr. Thompson played a key role in integrating and validating open-source into E*TRADE FINANCIAL~s commodity hardware and software direction. The company has saved millions of dollars annually in the process, and has extended its open-source utilization to middleware. Currently Mt. Thompson is driving to establish use of the community development process as a model for its internal development with the goal of providing better, more secure, and innovative products for E*TRADE customers.
Mads Toftum
Session: Securing and troubleshooting httpd on opensolaris
Mads Toftum has been a member of the ASF since 2003 and started working on httpd docs but has since then spent most of his ASF time on infrastructure. Profesionally he has worked many years in ISP related jobs and have for the past few years worked on keeping large scale unix systems up and running.
Adam Trachtenberg, Senior Manager of Platform Evangelism, eBay
Session: PHP 5's Magical Methods and ext/soap
Adam Trachtenberg is the senior manager of Platform Evangelism at eBay, where he preaches the gospel of the eBay platform to developers and businessmen around the globe. Before eBay, Trachtenberg co-founded and served as vice president for development at two companies, Student.Com and TVGrid.Com. At both firms, he led the front- and middle-end web site design and development. Trachtenberg began using PHP in 1997, and is the author of Upgrading to PHP 5 and coauthor of PHP Cookbook, both published by O'Reilly Media. He lives in San Francisco, California, and has a B.A. and M.B.A. from Columbia University.
Ryan Troll, Engineering Manager, Yahoo! Inc.
Session: Hacking the Apache HTTP Server at Yahoo!
Ryan Troll is an engineering manager for Yahoo!'s Infrastructure Software group that develops and supports web platform technologies such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, and SOAP/REST toolkits. His team has been instrumental in helping Yahoo! migrate from proprietary to open source software.
Gregory Trubetskoy
Session: Introduction to mod_python
Gregory "Grisha" Trubetskoy is the original author of mod_python, a member of the Apache Software Foundation and the HTTP Server PMC. Grisha has been professionally developing software in various languages since 1989 and Python in particular since 1995. He was a founder of one of the first Internet Service Providers in the Washington, DC area and has spent most of his professional career in the ISP/Hosting industry. Grisha grew up in Moscow, Russia, and now lives in Vienna, VA, USA, where he works long hours for yet another startup which aims to Revolutionize Healthcare.
Thomas Van de Velde, Custom Solutions Architect and Project Manager, Accenture
Session: The Business of Open Source
Thomas Van de Velde joined Accenture in 2001 and has since been active as an enterprise architecture consultant and development team lead on large government projects in Belgium (www.belgium.be) and France (www.impots.gouv.fr) as well as other engagements across a wide range of industries.
Thomas has extensive experience building large enterprise solutions on Open Source technologies, including France's online tax declaration, which processed over 5 million tax applications in 2006 and served more than 420 million pages in only 2 months. Thomas presented this architecture at public conferences across Europe and the US. Thomas is currently manager and architect at Accenture where he focuses on reusable architectures for custom solutions.
Wilfredo Sánchez Vega, Senior Software Engineer, Apple Computer
Session: ApacheCon Lightning Talks
Wilfredo Sánchez is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, after which he co-founded an Internet publishing company and then moved to California to work on electronic commerce at Disney Online. Wilfredo is presently a senior software engineer at Apple Computer. He has worked on the BSD subsystem in Mac OS X as a member of the Core Operating System group, and as open source engineering lead at Apple. He later became part of the team that built and launched the iTunes Music Store, and presently works on Collaboration Technologies for Mac OS X Server. Wilfredo is also a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and a contributor to various open source projects.
Thomas Watson, Software Developer, IBM
Tutorial: Dynamic Module Programming with OSGi
Tom has 8 years of experience as an IBM software developer. Focus is on OSGi Framework development and device software. He is the lead developer for the Equinox OSGi Framework implementation in Eclipse. He is a participant in the OSGi Alliance specification process. In particular, he has participated in specifying the modularity features of the OSGi R4 specification. He has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Texas El Paso.
Matthias Wessendorf
Session(s): Apache MyFaces - Open Source Java Server Faces, Apache Trinidad First class citizens for Java Server Faces
Matthias is a German Java Web Developer, working for Oracle. Since 2004 he is a committer on several Apache projects like MyFaces, Trinidad or Tobago. Currently he lives and works in Redwood Shores (Bay Area). Matthias is a frequent speaker on international conferences such as ApacheCon or JAX. He is an author for the German Java- and Eclipse-Magazine. In the past he wrote two German books. One about Apache Struts and one about Web Services with Apache Axis and mobile Clients
whurley (William Hurley), CTO Qlusters; Co-founder and Chairman, Open Management Consortium
Session: The Open Management Consortium and You
whurley is the Chief Technology Officer at Qlusters (http://qlusters.com) and the co-founder and Chairman of the Open Management Consortium (http://www.openmanagement.org). He has over 15 years of experience in groundbreaking technology solutions, and has earned a number of honors and awards, including IBM's Master Inventor title; an IBM Pervasive Computing Award; multiple awards for innovation from Apple Computer; and a 2004 Apple Design Award for the openSIMS open source user interface. Prior to joining Qlusters William was CTO and co-founder at Symbiot, where he founded the OpenSIMS project; the world's first framework for collaborative "Community Centric Security" (licensed under the Apache 2.0 license). William holds numerous patents granted for his work in the research and development labs of several Fortune 500 companies including IBM, Tivoli Systems, and Apple Computer. Currently he is working on his latest book with O’Reilly Media.
Geoffrey Young, Senior Software Engineer, Ticketmaster
Session: Output Filters with mod_perl 2.0
Tutorial: Writing Tests with Apache::Test
Geoffrey Young is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, lead author of the "mod_perl Developer's Cookbook," and current chair of the mod_perl PMC. He currently works for Ticketmaster. When not programming or writing, he is busy spending time with his growing family, slowly rebuilding their house a room at a time.
Carsten Ziegeler, Chief Architect, Open Source, S&AG
Session(s): Introduction to the Cocoon Portal, What's new in Cocoon?, Portals@Apache: Standards and The Portals Project
Carsten Ziegeler is the chief architect of the Open Source Group at S&N AG, Paderborn, Germany. He participates in several Open Source projects and various Apache communities. In July 2003 Carsten has been elected as an Apache Member. His focus is creating portals and portal based applications using various Apache projects especially from the Portals project. In addition since 2000 Carsten is heavily involved in the Apache Cocoon project. He played a major role in designing and developing the current architecture and has since years the role of the release manager.
Andrei Zmievski, Senior Software Engineer, Yahoo! Inc.
Session: PHP 6 & Unicode: Who Needs Berlitz?
Andrei Zmievski works on internal tools at Yahoo! Inc. specializing in i18n and infrastructure software, such as PHP and Apache. He is also a core PHP developer, leader of the PHP-GTK project, and a co-author of "PHP Developer''s Cookbook" and Smarty templating system. His current focus is the native Unicode support in PHP. In his free time he studies languages and linguistics, goes sailing, and travels to other countries.