ApacheCon NA 2013

Portland, Oregon

February 26th – 28th, 2013

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Make #hashtags come alive using Apache Rave and OpenSocial!

John Mertic

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Did you know you can turn hash tags into an application language? Using a proven Web based component model, you can create a dynamic activity stream client that embeds applications directly in the stream. What's more, this same technology can be used to enable any Web site to invoke applications based on Open Graph objects.


Did you know you can turn hash tags into an application language? Using a proven Web based component model, you can create a dynamic activity stream client that embeds applications directly in the stream. What's more, this same technology can be used to enable any Web site to invoke applications based on Open Graph objects. All of this is built using open source Apache projects, Shindig & Rave, and is based on OpenSocial, an open, community driven Web standard. We'll explain OpenSocial's "embedded experiences" model enables drives this scenario and cap off the presentation by demonstrating how you can be "up and running" with your own application in 15 minutes!